The Best Grandparent Quotes to Show Just How Much You Love Them

best grandparent quotes
21 Best Grandparent Quotes for Grandma and GrandpaAlex Drummond

Grandparents hold such a special place in our hearts—and it's safe to say their role is an irreplaceable one as they fill our lives with a treasure trove of stories, laughter, advice, and plenty of love. And did we mention so many treats? Yep, The Pioneer Woman herself has more than a few recipes that take inspiration from her grandparents, including Danish butter cookies which she says "remind me of my grandma and simpler times." If you also have the sweetest memories of being spoiled by your grandparents, you're probably looking for a way to repay them for all those years of unconditional affection. Whether that's on a birthday or for Grandparents' Day, we've found the best grandparent quotes for you to share with them.

Along with thoughtful gifts for grandparents (both gifts for grandma and gifts for grandpa), you can also craft a card with these heartfelt sayings that will show just how much you love them. Use them in DIY Father's Day cards, DIY Mother's Day cards, or just because! After all, there was never really a rhyme or reason behind all those freshly baked cookies, yet they seemed to always be in the oven. Regardless, these grandma quotes and grandpa quotes can even be read aloud or sent as a quick text message. No matter how they're presented, you're sure to get your message of gratitude across. And they deserve that! Because as Paige Drummond says of her late grandpa, "When it comes to grandpas I don't think it could get any better than him." And isn't that true of grandparents everywhere?

Margaret Mead

“Everyone needs to have access both to grandparents and grandchildren in order to be a full human being.”

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Alex Haley

“Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children.”

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Edward Fays

"There is nothing more wonderful than the love and guidance a grandparent can give his or her grandchild."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Mary H. Waldrip

"Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Gene Perret

"What a bargain grandchildren are! I give them my loose change, and they give me a million dollars' worth of pleasure."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Jay Kesler

"Young people need something stable to hang on to—a culture connection, a sense of their own past, a hope for their own future. Most of all, they need what grandparents can give them.”

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Richard Garnett

"Love is the greatest gift that one generation can leave to another."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Allan Frome

"Being grandparents sufficiently removes us from the responsibilities so that we can be friends."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Laura Spiess

"Grandma and Grandpa, tell me a story and snuggle me with your love. When I'm in your arms, the world seems small and we're blessed by the heavens above."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Bill Laurin

"If I would have known that grandchildren were going to be so much fun I would have had them first."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Donald A. Norber

"Surely, two of the most satisfying experiences in life must be those of being a grandchild and or a grandparent."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Lois Wyse

"Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Sam Levenson

"The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Charles W. Shedd

"Grandparents are, without a doubt, some of the world's best educators."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Doug Larson

"Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Gene Perret

"Grandparents are there to help the child get into mischief they haven't thought of yet."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Regina Brett

"If you're lucky enough to still have grandparents, visit them, cherish them and celebrate them while you can."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Charles and Ann Morse

"A child needs a grandparent, anybody's grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Fred Rogers

"Grandparents can be very special resources. Just being close to them reassures a child, without words, about change and continuity, about what went before and what will come after."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Susan Strasberg

"I loved their home. Everything smelled older, worn but safe; the food aroma had baked itself into the furniture."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

Joyce Allston

"Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child's growth as vitamins."

best grandparent quotes
The Pioneer Woman

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