The Best Gluten-Free Meal Plan On The Internet Lives Here

These days, there are hundreds of different types of diets. Keto, paleo, low-carb, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, dairy free—the list goes on. People subscribe to some, like keto or paleo, as a means to live a healthier life or attain a certain goal. Other eating patterns (dairy and gluten free) are necessary for personal health and often mandated by health professionals for medical reasons.

So if you're someone who can't consume gluten, how do you plan your meals? WebMD published research not too long ago that said one-third of "gluten-free" foods in American restaurants actually aren't free of gluten. Well, that makes dining out suspect at best. If only there were a meal plan out there that could provide you with a plethora of gluten-free options for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner...

Well, there is!

The Cooking Light Diet provides weekly gluten-free meal plans chock-full of mouthwateringly delicious recipes. Don't just take our word for it, though. When we asked our Facebook Community what they've enjoyed about their gluten-free meal plans, they were quick to let us know. Here's what they had to say.

Favorite New Recipes

Some members, like Kathy Wilson, have found new favorite recipes on through their Cooking Light Diet subscription. Kathy said one of her family's most-requested meals is the Roasted Tomato Mac and Cheese.

Photo: Jennifer Causey
Photo: Jennifer Causey

She also loved that most of the non gluten-free options could easily be made gluten free by subbing in certain products.

Variety A Plus

Edward Ferrentino enjoys the versatility the gluten-free plan has brought into his culinary wheelhouse. And like Kathy, he's also found some new favorites.

Cooking Light Diet
Cooking Light Diet

RELATED: Read about Edward's Cooking Light Diet success here!

Ideas For Days

Still other members, like Heather Coffman, appreciate that the Cooking Light Diet has opened them up to all new ways to enjoy gluten-free food.

Cooking Light Diet
Cooking Light Diet

These are just a few reasons Cooking Light Diet members love their gluten-free meal plans. Come see what all the fuss is about yourself. Join our Facebook Community to talk to other members, or sign up for the Cooking Light Diet today!