The Best Free 15-Minute Workouts On the Internet

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As the closing of gyms worldwide has confirmed, the most convenient — and realistic — workouts are those done from your own living room, minimal equipment required. But for those who don't have the time (or desire, if we're being honest) for an hour-long sweat session, it doesn't mean that getting in a good workout is off the table.

Enter: the 15-minute workout. It’s short, sweet, and just long enough to help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of your day. (Or get back to your book and cocktail — you do you.) And hey, quick sessions add up. When better health is the goal, what matters most is moving your body consistently — not being perfect.

Here, the best 15-minute workouts — from high intensity circuits to active recovery flows — available for free from top trainers.

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High Intensity Intervals: Jeanette Jenkins’ HIIT Circuit

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is meant to be short and tough, so it’s well-suited to a 15-minute time limit. Here, celebrity trainer Jeanette Jenkins demonstrates seven full-body moves that can be strung together to create a circuit. To keep your workout to 15 minutes, perform each of the 7 exercises for 30 seconds. Rest for 1 minute between circuits, and repeat the whole thing a total of three times.

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Tag a friend for some #HIIT & get your body moving!🔥💦💪❤️😊It’s Day22 of our 30Day #Summer Body Bootcamp and today’s workout is a 3mile Run/Walk/Jog or if you’re staying indoors our “30min CardioBlast” + our “30min Lower Body Blast” in the club!❤️ Login to the club @hollywoodtrainerclub or click the link in my profile @msjeanettejenkins and once you login, click on “Exercise” then “Virtual Gym” and press play on Day 22! You can do it! ⁣Try these exercises above in the sliders as a bonus 10-5reps or 30-60sec each, 2-3sets! ⁣Song 🎶is #TakiTaki by @djsnake @iamcardib @selenagomez @ozuna ⁣ ⁣ ❤️We will be starting ROUND TWO of our 30Day Summer Body Bootcamp on Monday July 13th! If you have fallen off or want to join us then get started NOW! All the streaming workouts are in the club. ⁣ ⁣ ❤️All the streaming workouts for this ”30Day Summer Body Bootcamp” our “Ab Blast” Challenge our “14Day Love Your Body Home Workouts” our “Total Body Bootcamp” our “Butt Challenge” our “Sister Series” and more are in the “Virtual Gym” under the “Exercise” tab! 😊It’s only $19.99/month to access all of these challenges and over 500+ streaming workouts and challenges, over 150+ healthy recipes & meal plans and our Community Wall for Support! ⁣ ⁣ ❤️We would love to have you join us! All the workouts in our club are INSTRUCTIONAL.⁣ ⁣ ❤️If your #Waistline is above 35inches for a female or 40inches for a male you are at increased risk of #HeartDisease ⁣ ⁣ ❤️🗣 #HeartDisease is the number one killer worldwide world 🌎 and you can decrease your risk factors dramatically with regular exercise & healthy eating.⁣ ⁣ ❤️The goal of this 30Day Summer Body Bootcamp is to encourage you to be #committed and #consistent with your workouts and healthy eating so you can feel great, look great and function at your best. ⁣ ⁣ ❤️It’s never too late to make a change for the better & it’s never too late to join us! #WorkoutMotivation

A post shared by Jeanette Jenkins (@msjeanettejenkins) on Jun 29, 2020 at 3:14am PDT

Upper Body Strength: Jen Widerstrom’s Upper Body Band Workout

Combat tech-neck with this upper body strength workout from Jen Widerstrom, celebrity trainer and Shape magazine's fitness director. In terms of equipment, you’ll just need a long, light resistance band. There are only three exercises in the circuit: a band pull-apart, a front raise/rear deltoid exercise (which will work the muscles at the top of your arms and shoulders), and an overhead press. Rest 2 minutes between circuits, and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

Lower Body Strength: QiQi H.’s Leg Day

If you have a dumbbell handy and are looking for a lower-body burn, this workout from trainer and influencer QiQi H. is no joke. It offers a great balance between quad and glute work for a well-rounded strength session. Complete 3 sets of each exercise before moving onto the next one, resting as needed in between.

Yoga: Alo Moves’ 15-Minute Morning Yoga Flow with Caley Alyssa

This flow was specifically designed to start your day off on the right foot. Follow along with yoga teacher Caley Alyssa as you work through sun salutations, chest-opening poses, and quite a few deep stretches.

Abs Workout: Joe Holder’s 15-Minute Core and Abs

Nike Master Trainer Joe Holder knows his stuff, and he also happens to be a trainer to some of the biggest names in fashion (think: Naomi Campbell). This core workout includes way more than the stereotypical crunch-focused moves. Holder utilizes standing and kneeling positions to ensure a comprehensive core workout and he throws in some tips to make crunching variations more effective.

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Low Intensity Cardio: Katie Crewe’s Cardio Circuit

Effective cardio doesn’t always have to leave you dripping sweat. This circuit from fitness coach Katie Crewe is light on jumping (Crewe is currently pregnant; whether or not jumping feels comfortable and safe during pregnancy is highly individual), but will still give you a decent heart rate boost. Do these 5 exercises 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 3 sets, and you’re done!

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HOME CARDIO 🏃🏼‍♀️💨💨. - I virtually never post cardio vids, especially from home, but there’s so much value in cardiovascular fitness that has nothing to do with burning off calories. I get in my daily walks but I’m used to doing sprints, box jumps, long jump burpees, sled sprints, etc for cardio and as that’s not really in the cards anymore (because no gym and a fetus that is making her presence more known at this point) I haven’t been doing much to train my cardiovascular fitness. - After getting a gentle nudge from @linnlowes posting many low intensity cardio circuits, here’s one I made and have done a couple times now. I still feel ok with some minimal jumping but if you’re not (for any reason), choose the lower impact options. Always modify to suit you! - ➡️I did this as a circuit with 30 seconds ON and 30 seconds rest between each exercise for 5 rounds. Yes, terrible dancing IS a workout and more flailing = more energy expenditure (just saying)⬅️ - 🤰🏼Giving blanket recommendations for pregnancy isn’t super helpful because everyone is at a difference fitness level to start with. I’ll put this here for those interested but always talk to your doctor and tailor to make it appropriate for you. Because of the cardiovascular changes in pregnancy ❤️ (cardiac output and blood volume increase ~40% and heart rate response is altered), using heart rate is no longer the standard but If you’re pregnant and worried about managing your intensity, you can gauge if your effort is in a good range with the “talk test”, aka can you carry on a conversation if someone were to speak to you. You can also use an RPE (rate of perceived exertion) scale, if you’re already familiar with this, staying in the moderate intensity range. - Ok, that’s my disclaimer! Put on some dance-y music and get it friends! 👊🏻 🎵Don Diablo ft Zak Abel - Bad #23weekspregnant

A post shared by Katie Crewe (@katiecrewe) on May 26, 2020 at 3:06pm PDT

Pilates: Helen Phelan’s Core Stability Workout

Helen Phelan is a Pilates pro who employs body neutral instruction — meaning you won’t hear any shame-y “bikini body” language in her workout videos. Instead, she uses specific verbal cues to help at-home exercisers “sense in” to their mind-body connection for a better, stronger workout.

Booty: Sohee Lee’s Lower Body Band Circuit

There are tons of great reasons to strengthen your glutes: less back pain, faster run times, and more. This quick series from training coach Sohee Lee can be done at home with just a couch and a booty band. In the video, Lee takes you through a pyramid workout (providing a ton of useful form cues along the way), where you start with 10 reps of each exercise, then decrease by one each set until you’re doing just 1 rep of each exercise. Fair warning: It’s a burner.

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EMOM: Saman Munir’s 15-Minute Workout

This workout from trainer and kick-boxing coach Saman Munir is an EMOM workout — which stands for every minute on the minute — so it'll keep things interesting and fast. The quicker you finish your exercise set, the more time you get to rest, which can be a huge motivator to push your limits.

Active Recovery: Tone It Up’s The Best Foam Rolling Routine to Stretch & Restore

On days when you want to move your body but aren’t looking for an intense workout, foam rolling and stretching can be a great way to stay active. Studio Tone It Up instructor Stef takes you through a full foam rolling routine that pays special attention to the hamstrings, quads, and glutes to get your body primed for your next workout. And if you think foam rolling sounds nice but you’re not really sure how or why to do it, Stef explains it all in the video.

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