Best Expert-Approved Acne Spot Treatments, According to Reddit Users

Wondering what the best acne spot treatments are for acne? Here, check out the best expert-approved methods according to Reddit users.

By Kaleigh Fasanella. Photo by: Getty Images.

"What is your preferred spot treatment?" was the million-dollar question on one Reddit user's mind two days ago when they posted to the Asian Beauty subreddit, more than likely with the hope of crowdsourcing some legit methods to add to their arsenal. And with their luck (not to mention people's stark obsession with acne), myriad responses began rolling in at a rapid rate. So much so that I was ready to put them to the test myself. I wondered, How many of these actually work? And how many of them are just random "treatments" people got lucky with?

Intrigued, I tapped my dermatologist friends for backup. Because if anyone can call bullshit on acne advice, it's them. Thus, here I bestow on you some of the best, expert-approved acne spot treatments, according to Reddit users (along with one you should probably cross off your list for good).

Tamanu Oil

"Tamanu oil has really done wonders for my active acne as well as old scars. It seems to calm redness and inflammation as well without breaking me out." — swirlsee

If you've yet to hear about tamanu oil, all you really need to know is that the elixir hails from a nut kernel and is touted as having great antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. "[Tamanu oil] has been used to treat various inflammatory conditions such as acne, psoriasis and even stretch marks and sun spots," explained [Shari Marchbein](, a dermatologist based in New York City. "However, there are no good studies validating its efficacy, and we don't have enough scientific evidence to recommend using it for acne," she added.

That being said, you can find tamanu oil in products like Kiehl's Daily Reviving Concentrate, RMS Beauty Oil, and French Girl Organics Facial Oil Elixirbecause while Marchbein does state that there are no specific studies tied to tamanu oil's aid in reducing acne, because it's an oil and not, say, a harsh chemical, it nourishes skin, nonetheless.

Drying Lotion

"I find that the drying lotion works best on pimples that have come to a head." — esorual

Several people on the thread waxed poetic about Mario Badescu's Drying Lotion, a popular product I, myself, have used on past pesky pimples. If you're a frequent user or have been thinking about giving the spot treatment a go, you'll be happy to hear that Marchbein attests to its zit-busting power. "Mario Badescu Drying Lotion contains some highly effective ingredients for spot treating acne, such as salicylic acid (a beta hydroxy acid), resorcinol, and sulfur," she says. "Together, these pack a powerful anti-inflammatory punch that can help reduce the size and redness of a pimple."

Joshua Zeichner, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, also adds that the aforementioned beta hydroxy acid in drying lotions help to remove excess oil and exfoliate dead cells on the surface of the skin to dry and unclog pimples. Double win.


"Vaseline. I don't know how but it speeds up the 'ripeness' of my pimple so it comes to head so much faster. And if I keep spot treating it with vaseline, the head eventually emerged and can be wiped away with a tissue." — gabae168

Alright, folks, we have some mixed messages on this one, so proceed at your own risk (i.e. with the knowledge that this method may or may not work for your skin). "Please don't do this," exclaims Marchbein. "Smearing Vaseline all over your face is not going to clear up your acne," she says, matter-of-factly, adding that Vaseline is a petrolatum and can make acne significantly worse by clogging pores and trapping dirt and/or bacteria in the skin.

On the flip side, Zeichner says that Vaseline is a great skin protectant that may be useful in treating tender, inflamed, and oozing pimples. "It forms a seal over the skin to allow it to heal itself," he explains. However, Zeichner notes that while the jelly allows the skin to repair itself, it doesn't really get to the root of what causes pimples the way ingredients, like benzoyl peroxide, target bacteria.

Pimple Patches

"I love the Cosrx pimple patches, but they’re definitely only going to help if it’s one that has come to a head." — juicyfizz

You may have noticed that "pimple patches," as they're popularly called, have been very trendy as of late, especially over in Asia. This is because they're an easy, painless way to treat blemishes, and quite frankly, are pretty darn cute (or virtually undetectable, depending on the brand you're using.) "By occluding the pimple, active ingredients are able to penetrate the skin more deeply allowing them to potentially work better," Marchbein says. But, she warns, those with sensitive skin should proceed with caution, as some stickers can be rather harsh.

Zeichner adds that pimple patches are basically hydrocolloid dressings, like the ones used by your doctor to treat chronic wounds. "They are soft, absorbant jelly-like pads that form a protective, absorbant seal over the skin [and] may be helpful in treating large, inflamed pimples, as they protect the skin barrier and absorb excess fluid that accumulates in the pimple."

Pro tip: Zeichner recommends using patches in conjunction with fellow acne-busting ingredients, like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, as both address the underlying cause (i.e. buildup of bacteria) of pimples, rather than just promoting their healing.


"TO's niacinamide, I swear this dries out any active acnes overnight most of the time." — mlieskyx3

While I've personally never dabbled in niacinamide as an acne treatment, according to both Marchebin and Zeichner, the ingredient is a form of vitamin B3 and is renowned for its skin-calming properties. "There's scientific evidence to support its use in treating various inflammatory skin conditions, such as acne and rosacea," says Marchbein, adding that it can aid in evening out skin tone, as well as decrease redness and oil production.

What's more? Marchbein says that as a 4 percent gel, niacinamide has been shown to be as effective as a 1 percent clindamycin gel, a topical antibiotic commonly used to treat acne.

Tea Tree Oil

"[Tea tree oil] work wonders for whiteheads and blackheads too!" — AraniAnwah94

First things first, Marchbein says those with sensitive skin should steer clear of this technique, as tea tree oil can be too harsh, especially when coming in contact with irritated or broken skin. Though she does say there is scientific evidence that, when diluted, it can act as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drying agent to treat pimples.

Zeichner also recommends proceeding with caution with this elixir, but notes it can be useful in treating acne because it kills bacteria and calms inflammation. (Ed note: Both doctors advise you to be careful with usage. Overusage can lead to significant redness and irritation.)

Follow Kaleigh Fasanella on Twitter.

This story originally appeared on Allure.

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