Restaurant-Worthy Side Dishes for Lamb to Make Any Meal an Occasion

When the holidays and special occasions roll around, there are so many possibilities for the main course. Do you veer towards a ham? Maybe a prime rib roast or whole chicken? Turkey is also an option too, whether or not it's Thanksgiving. But, there's no denying that though all those options are special, presenting a lamb on the table just makes it a little bit more so.

For many families, it's a treasured Easter Sunday tradition or Christmas special feature—but it's also a lovely (and tasty) choice for that dinner party you've been planning, or just a way to take Sunday supper over the top. Whether braised or glazed, shank or rack, lamb has an easy elegance to it that calls for a slightly different sideboard than your honey-baked ham. A tradition of biblical origins, lamb comfortably suits more formal holiday feasts, but—as delicious as it is—deserves a spot at even your most laidback lunch. We've collected some of our very best sides for lamb that'll round out your ensemble quite nicely. From savory and crisp to rich and creamy, here are some delicious side dishes to pair with lamb that won't disappoint.