'Best day ever!': What's next for Britney Spears now her conservatorship is over?

Crowds of Britney's support celebrate the end of her conservatorship - PATRICK T. FALLON
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On the afternoon of 12 November, Britney Spears posted a picture of herself on Instagram wearing a lemon dress and a subdued expression. Her eyes were streaked with black, her lips turned downwards in a pout. But the message underneath was celebratory. “I can’t freaking believe !!!!,” she wrote, deploying exclamation marks with the sort abandon of which only the truly free are capable. “Best day ever!!!!”

It was also the best day ever for the thousands of fans who had campaigned to “Free Britney” from one of the strangest financial and legal strangleholds ever witnessed in the world of celebrity. Earlier that day, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny had terminated the legal conservatorship that has controlled many aspects of Spears’s career and life – and allegedly even her reproductive choices – since 2008.

This means that for the first time in nearly 14 years, Spears will soon be able to spend her estimated $60 million fortune as she sees fit, without having to run a gauntlet of interference from lawyers, accountants and family members appointed to a position of authority over her. There are rumours that she will take advantage of this freedom to marry her personal trainer fiancé, Sam Asghari, and to release her first new material since 2016.

The outlook is rather darker for those who have closely monitored Spears affairs under the conservatorship. Spears’s lawyer has already demanded an investigation into the handling of the conservatorship by the singer’s father, Jamie, who maintained jurisdiction over her finances until Judge Penny suspended him from the role in September.

James continues to insist he always had his daughter’s best interests at heart. And he has insisted the conservatorship was justified because Spears was susceptible to people trying to take advantage of her.

Britney Spears, pictured in 2018 - Chris Pizzello
Britney Spears, pictured in 2018 - Chris Pizzello

But public opinion swung against him after Spears gave a statement to the court in June in her bid to have the conservatorship removed. She claimed she was forced to perform on stage against her will and that she had been prevented from removing her birth control so that she could have another child. She likened her plight to that of a victim of sex trafficking. “I worked seven days a week, no days off, which in California, the only similar thing to this is called sex trafficking,” she said.

So what next for the star – and the movement she has inspired? Can Britney reclaim her place as one of the world’s biggest pop stars – rather than her current position as cautionary tale as to what happens when wealth, fame and too many lawyers collide? Then there is the question of where the Free Britney goes from here. One thing that seems certain is that the media circus Spears’s case has attracted is unlikely to disappear any time soon.

What Happens Next for Britney?

Spears is now free to live her life as she sees fit. Her estate will work with John Zabel, a certified accountant who was appointed temporary conservator in September in place of Jamie Spears, following his suspension by the court. He has the power to transfer assets to Spears and to make “supplemental” decisions on her behalf.

A termination plan has already been filed by Jodi Montgomery, appointed earlier in the year by the court to the role of Spears’s “co-conservator” and who has advocated on Spears’s behalf against Jamie. Montgomery’s lawyers told Judge Penny on Friday there was no reason Spears could not live a “safe, happy and fulfilling life”.

Britney is planning, too, on returning to the recording studio, according to TMZ. And it is possible that she will sit down for a tell-all interview, similar to Harry and Meghan’s bombshell-strewn natter with Oprah. If so, it would be highly explosive.

“Lord have mercy on my family's souls if I ever do an interview,” Spears wrote on Instagram in October.

Spears and her fiancé Sam Asghari - Kevin Winter
Spears and her fiancé Sam Asghari - Kevin Winter

Spears is also expected to marry her personal trainer, Asghari, potentially as soon as a prenuptial agreement protecting her fortune is signed. She wrote on Instagram recently that she had hired Donatella Versace to making her wedding dress.

Britney revealed, too, that she has been inundated with pitches for films or television dramas about her legal and personal woes. It is unlikely she would green light such a project.

“Aren't I supposed to play the role in my own life?" she said in a video in October, responding to suggestions of who could play her. “I’m not dead. What are they thinking?”

“What’s next for Britney – and this is the first time that this could be said for about a decade – is up to one person: Britney,” Spears’s lawyer Mathew Rosengart told journalists after Friday’s court hearing. “I will say that Britney has been put into a position, through our collaboration and the work of my law firm, to succeed.”

What Happens Next for the Spears Family?

Spears’s lawyer, Rosengart has called for an investigation into Jamie Spears’s role in the conservatorship, following Spears accusations, in her June statement, that she had been monitored and controlled.

Others involved in overseeing Spears’s affairs could potentially face scrutiny as well. Earlier this month, for example, her former business manager Lou Taylor denied secretively recording Britney’s conversations and controlling her medical treatment. These allegations were made in Controlling Britney Spears, one of two New York Times documentaries about the case.

'Justice for Britney': Spears's lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, speaking after her trial - AFP
'Justice for Britney': Spears's lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, speaking after her trial - AFP

“I said at the outset that my firm and I were going to take a top-to-bottom look at what Jamie Spears and his representatives have done here,” Rosengart said after Jamie was suspended from the conservatorship in September. “That’s already in process, and it will continue for as long as it can possibly do that to get justice for Britney.”

“I think everyone who was complicit in the trafficking of Britney Spears should be held accountable,” FreeBritney organiser Kevin Wu told Sky News on Friday.

“It includes her family members, who she called out in court: her mom, Lynne Spears, her dad, Jamie Spears, who was the conservator and benefited financially from this conservatorship for 13 years.”

Lynne Spears has this year sought to cast herself as an ally in her daughter’s struggle against her father. In July, she asked Judge Penny to accede to Spears’s demand for an independent lawyer – a request denied in the past (the judge assented). She furthermore supported Britney’s request that Jamie be removed from the conservation. She told the court Jamie maintained “absolute control over [Britney’s] money and her health-care decisions”, adding the relationship had “dwindled to nothing but fear and hatred”.

And she claimed Jamie had kept Britney under heavy surveillance, ordering staff and security “to inform on and report back to him each and every detail of every action that takes place in [Britney’s] home”.

Jamie Spears has been accused of controlling behaviour - Nick Ut
Jamie Spears has been accused of controlling behaviour - Nick Ut

However, don’t expect to see Jamie or Lynne in handcuffs. After more than a decade, the web of legal complexities making up the conservatorship may be difficult to disentangle. “It's really unclear how long [any investigations] would take and how it would go through the court system,” Samantha Stark, director of the New York Times documentary Controlling Britney Spears, told Sky. “So we'll see what happens and see if the past 13 years ever gets truly investigated.”

What Next for the “Free Britney” Movement?

Spears’s lack of legal and financial autonomy sparked a worldwide campaign, waged largely on social media but which also made its presence felt outside court in Los Angeles. What fans do next is difficult to say. However, the Britney case has focused attention on America’s conservatorship laws, which are accused of placing vulnerable people at the mercy of family members.

“There is individual and institutional accountability that needs to happen,” said Conservatorship activist Dr Teresa Kay-Aba Kennedy, the founder of Elder Dignity, which campaigns to reform the adult guardianship system in the US, in an interview with Sky. “There needs to be a full investigation, a thorough investigation, to see who did what, who was complicit in wrongdoing.”

What's next for the Free Britney movement? - MIKE BLAKE
What's next for the Free Britney movement? - MIKE BLAKE

The case highlights the drastic differences between the law in the United States and in Britain. In the UK, the equivalent of a conservatorship is known as a “deputyship”. This is applied for at the Court of Protection on behalf of a person who “lacks mental capacity” to make key financial decisions or is otherwise mentally incapacitated. One distinction from the US is that family members are rarely given power over a person’s affairs. Usually, deputyship is assigned to a professional, such as an accountant and lawyer.

Back in the United States, Spears and her legal traumas has lead to calls for President Joe Biden to reform Conservatorship laws.

“Abusive conservatorships can be an unending nightmare, and tragically we don't know how many people are being held captive against their will under the broken guardianship system,” said US congressman Charlie Crist, who introduced a bill that would give those under conservatorship the right to request that a court-appointed private guardian be replaced with a public guardian.

What Next for the Britney Spears Documentary Industry?

In the past year alone, there have been two New York Times Spears documentaries, another from the BBC and a Netflix special. And with public appetite for the star’s travails showing little sign of having diminished, it is likely that doc makers are already planning further films.

Spears has attacked the deluge of docs as “hypocritical” in presenting themselves as sympathetic to the singer’s case whilst adding to the bonfire of gossip around her.

Could Britney sit down for a tell-all interview with Oprah like Harry and Meghan? - Handout
Could Britney sit down for a tell-all interview with Oprah like Harry and Meghan? - Handout

Samantha Stark, director of Framing Britney Spears, admitted to feeling conflicted about making a film without Britney’s co-operation. “I was thinking a lot about what Britney would think if she saw it, she said. “Making something without her participation was very strange for me; I have a lot of internal conflict about it.”

It is unclear how profitable these projects were – though Netflix’s Britney v Spears will have surely helped swell its quarterly revenues of $7.5 billion. However much they made, those figures will in all probability pale compared to Britney’s $60 million fortune.

And while Spears has vowed not to cooperate with attempts to dramatise her life, it feels inevitable that, as with Harry and Meghan, her story will be retold via the ancient medium of a toe-curling Lifetime Channel biopic. If it’s half as dramatic as Britney’s Instagram feed it will be unmissable.