These are the best cleaning hacks we learned from our parents

 Pink bubbly background with cut outs of lemons, white vinegar and essential oil
Pink bubbly background with cut outs of lemons, white vinegar and essential oil

#CleanTok might have the edge on cleaning RN but it doesn’t beat the cleaning hacks we learned from our parents and grandparents and still use today.

Admittedly, #CleanTok (the cleaning obsessed side of TikTok where I sometimes scroll for literal hours on end) has some seriously great cleaning hacks. But, while I've tried out (and loved) plenty of them, IMO you can't beat the tried and tested hacks passed down from generation to generation.

With that in mind, I've picked the brains of the rest of the Real Homes team, asking them to share all of their favorite cleaning hacks that they've learnt from their parents.

Wondering what all our fave hacks are? Take a look at the roundup below of all our favorite cleaning hacks that we learnt from our parents and grandparents and still swear by today.

The best cleaning hacks we learned from our parents

When it comes to cleaning, IMO some of the best hacks are the ones that are past down from generation to generation. There are cleaning products and processes that I use simply because my parents always used them (and saw results, obvi). So, with that in mind, I asked the rest of the team for their fave cleaning hacks that their family swears by.

1. Use bleach to remove stains

Staff writer Eve says that her mom always uses diluted bleach (this Colorox formula from Amazon comes highly rated) to clean tea and coffee stains from cups and spoons, leaving them looking sparkling clean and totally stain free. I tested this out myself and it works like a dream.

2. Use lemon juice to clean chopping boards

Her mom also recommends using lemon juice to remove grease from chopping boards (which I've been assured works wonders), as well as using lemon to help deodorise the smells that tend to sink into chopping boards.

3. Clean windows with newspaper and white vinegar

Forget the window cleaning spray, my grandma always cleaned her windows with white vinegar (Heinz white vinegar, that's available on Amazon, is the best for this) and scrunched up newspaper pages and, honestly, they were always sparkling clean.  I've tried and tested the process and honestly, grandma got it right.

4. Use essential oils to freshen rooms

Our editor in chief Melissa says that her mom has a homemade lavender essential oil spray on hand at all times. She recommends putting a few drops of lavender essential oil in with water and rubbing alcohol (this one from Amazon should work well) in a spray bottle (like this mini one from Amazon) and using it to freshen rooms, bedding, or towels at any time.

5. Use baking soda to deodorise the fridge

Her mom also recommends having an extra box of baking soda (this Arm & Hammer baking soda from Amazon should do the trick) to deal with all those nasty fridge odors. All you need to do is open the box and pop it in the fridge and it should help to disperse the smell.

While my mom recommends using lemons in the fridge to disperse nasty odors. She cuts them in half, pops them in the fridge door, and leaves them to soak up the smells.

6. Use toothpaste to remove scratches from glasses

Staff writer Eve’s mom swears by using toothpaste to remove small scratches from glasses.

7. Use lemons and baking soda for general cleaning

My mom always prefers to use natural cleaning products, so when I was growing up she was always using lemons and baking soda (we always like to recommend this Arm & Hammer baking soda from Amazon) to clean our home - from our sinks to our surfaces, and everything in between.

8. Use a mini sponge to clean vases and water bottles

Another super helpful cleaning hack that Melissa swears by is cutting a little piece of sponge (these sponges from Amazon would work well) and sticking it on the end of a fork and using it as a cleaner to get inside of water bottles, vases, and anything else that’s ultra narrow and impossible to clean with a thick dishwashing brush or sponge.

If you're looking for some tried and tested cleaning hacks that do what they say on the tin (so to speak) then the hacks above are definitely worth a try.