The Best Beauty Organizers to Give Your Vanity The Ultimate Instagrammable Makeover

We all love the Instagrammable shelfie and vanity posts on social media, proudly showcasing the impressive (and impressively organized) beauty collection of our favorite influencers and editors. And while I too am fortunate enough to have a studio with a 1920s built-in vanity table, along with a semi-overflowing beauty closet, I find the challenge of keeping it organized (not to mention photogenic) to be quite a daunting task. I recently did a major cleanout of my beauty crowded vanity drawers, finally discarding all of the expired lipsticks and Vitamin C serums and broken compacts that I promised I would once try to revive (clearly, that never happened).

While I like to call myself a collector as opposed to a straight-up...

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