Our Best Baking Tips: How to Measure Dry Ingredients So You Don't Waste Any

Our Best Baking Tips: How to Measure Dry Ingredients So You Don't Waste Any

Our Best Baking Tips: How to Measure Dry Ingredients So You Don't Waste Any

Next time you bake up that beautiful cake, before you measure out your dry ingredients, you HAVE to make sure you have this one thing handy:

Parchment paper!

According to our baking guru, culinary producer Grant W. Melton, the key to measuring dry ingredients in a way that guarantees you don't waste any is lining your workspace with parchment paper.

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That way, as Grant explains, "You just level [the ingredients in the cup] right over the parchment paper… and have a really precise measurement."

And all of the leftover flour — or whatever ingredient you're measuring — will be on the parchment paper, which you can then pick up and funnel right back into the container it came from.

No waste here!

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Also, if you're a newbie when it comes to cooking, remember this important point from Rach: "Dry measures are not the same thing as wet measures. Wet measures have a spout, because you put liquids in them. And they're actually larger than the measurement that's marked on the side, because it's liquid and it's going to slosh around."

So remember, when you're measuring, make sure you grab the right measuring tools for the right ingredients!