Here are the best '90s toys you should buy from the Toys "R" Us going-out-of-business sale

Here are the best '90s toys you should buy from the Toys "R" Us going-out-of-business sale

It’s heartbreaking, but true: After filing for bankruptcy, Toys “R” Us is getting ready to close its doors for good. Those of us who can remember the joy of setting foot inside the store, gazing in awe at everything we wanted our parents to buy for us, are probably feeling a little bummed knowing that this giant piece of every ’90s kid’s childhood is now disappearing. But there is (sort of) good news. The Toys “R” Us closing sales are going to be huge, and they’re a great opportunity to stock up on all the things you used to love (and probably still do).

The Toys “R” Us sale kicks off on March 22nd and will run until June at stores across the country, according to Gizmodo. There aren’t any details yet about what kind of discounts you can expect, but considering every store is closing for good, you can probably expect some pretty deep price cuts on some of your favorite ’90s toys.

So save the date now: You won’t want to miss the Toys “R” Us closing sales.

And the best selection is sure to be available in the first days of the sale.

If you want to grab the things you used to love playing with when you were younger — to have for yourself or to keep for your kids — here are some of the things you should purchase from the Toys “R” Us closing sale before it’s too late. Sure, there’s the toy aisle at Target, but nothing will ever be the same as shopping in a store stocked entirely with toys.

1. Furby

If you have fond memories of playing with this scary little dude, you might want to buy a new one so those memories can continue. The 2018 Furby is a little bit flashier than the one from your childhood, but it connects to an app and gets its beauty sleep via its sleep mask. Pretty cool!

The new incarnation of this ’90s classic is a little pricey at $64.98 (already on sale!), but if you miss the original, it’s the way to go. Plus, that’s what these discounts are for, right?

2. Tamagotchi

It’s hard not to miss the Tamagotchi-mom life. It was so rewarding watching your little egg grow up into a (rather demanding) full-grown pet. Sure, your mom probably hated it when you made her take care of it while you were at school, but now, you can devote your entire life to your pet. The Tamagotchi at Toys “R” Us is the same as the one you played with as a kid, so prepare for major flashbacks.

3. Walkie Talkies

Sure, with the invention of smartphones (and cell phones in general) these are pretty much obsolete, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be fun to bring out at parties. This set of NERF radios is perfect to use when friends come over, because chances are they’re looking for the same feeling of nostalgia you are.

4. This Rugrats collectors’ set

Let’s be honest: you still love Rugrats, don’t you? So why not pay tribute to the best ’90s cartoon on Nickelodeon with a collectible Rugrats set to display on a shelf in your house? So many happy memories immediately come back after seeing these babies.

5. Board games

You probably played board games a lot more as a kid than you do as an adult, but they’re really fun to break out when you have friends over (especially if you’re drinking, TBH). You don’t have to stick with just adult games, either. The classics from your childhood, like Sorry and Monopoly, are still just as fun — if not more — as a grown up.


There is no one on earth who is too old to play with LEGO, and this set of LEGO pieces would be a perfect score from the Toys “R” Us closing sales. Bonus: if you’ve got your eye on a certain set, it might be a great time to buy it. Discounts, y’all.

No matter what you decide to buy at the Toys “R” Us closing sale, it’s still going to be hard to let go of all of those memories. We’re going to miss you, Geoffrey. Godspeed.