Bernese Mountain Dog Still Remembers Best Friend Who Moved Away 3 Years Ago

Many people wonder if dogs can actually remember things that happened years ago, and the answer is yes, they just do it differently than we do. This video that Bernese Mountain Dog Olive's mom shared seems to be proof that dogs do remember their past.

In the video that Olive's mom posted on Saturday, February 24th, she explains that when Olive was little, her and her best friend used to meet to play at a nearby park every morning. Her bestie moved away three years ago, but Olive's mom says that Olive still waits for her every morning, and that she remembers where her friend lived. What her mom asks at the end made me want to cry!

Isn't this so sweet and heartbreaking at the same time?! Olive really does seem to miss her BFF, and it did look like she was waiting for her friend. Almost every comment left was about how sad the video was and how hearts were breaking for the Bernese Mountain Dog's sadness. @Kylie! said it best, "I cannot tolerate the sadness, the waiting, breaks my heart for her." Another commenter demanded Olive petition for her friend to come for a visit...I hope they can make it happen!

Related: Bernese Mountain Dog Reuniting With His Best Friend After 5 Months Is Melting Hearts

Do Dogs Get Sad?

Do dogs really get sad and depressed? If you've ever had a dog you know the answer is definitely yes. Dogs experience emotions much like humans do, even if it doesn't look the same. Just leave your dog for a day or two and their behaviors totally change because they miss you...and they can miss other dogs, too.

So what does sadness and depression look like in dogs? According to the American Kennel Club, "Keep an eye out for changes in body language during their interactions with people and other pets, decreased appetite, and lethargic behavior" and they go on to say, "“clingy, needy behavior, and, perhaps, a need to be closer to the owner in general", although some dogs will withdraw from you instead.

How do you cheer up your pup? The easiest way is extra time and attention - spend some quality time with your dog and make them feel special. Some one-on-one time first thing in the morning is always nice, and an early morning walk is good exercise for both of you, and exercise is always good when you're feeling down.

You can also get your dog a new toy or a special treat. Schedule a play date with a friend. Distract them with a new adventure to a new place. Bottom line though is that they want you. Make sure they know how special they are by offering extra hugs and snuggles. And if all else fails, talk to your vet to see if they have any sure-fire methods for getting your dog back to its old self and also ruling out any sickness or medical issues.

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