Benidorm is the latest resort to proclaim it 'won't tolerate' rowdy British tourists

Another Spanish resort is fed up with our antics - © 2017 Pauline Lewis
Another Spanish resort is fed up with our antics - © 2017 Pauline Lewis

First Magaluf, then Ibiza, and now Benidorm. It would seem that British tourists are again up to no good, and Spanish officials have announced it simply is not acceptable.

Two recent incidents involving Britons in Benidorm, which unfolded rather early in the season, have sparked mutterings of a crackdown in what is proving to be a mounting problem. 

In one, a "half-naked" group of men were confronted by Benidorm's security councillor Lorenzo Martinez, who said, according to local reports: "This type of action cannot be tolerated."

In another, four Britons were arrested for attempting to base jump off one the resort's highest skyscrapers, the Torre Levante, a crime for which they could be fined up to 300,000 euros (£285,000). 

The local council is condemning what it refers to as "uncivic behaviour" and is considering stricter laws and heavier fines for troublemakers. It has also upped its police presence in response to a spike in complaints.

The surreal world of Benidorm, Britain's favourite beach resort

Centre-right political party Ciudadanos has been particularly vocal in its disdain for the drunken behaviour that is "tarnishing the image of Benidorm", in popular regions including Levante beach.

A spokesperson for the party, Juan Balastegui, said the area has just been victim of a "black weekend", with the number of stag and hen parties currently at their peak.

Since the Eighties Britons have been known to descend on Benidorm in the interests of unleashing their most excessive behaviour. Last year, Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh told Telegraph Travel: "When I was about 17, I went to Benidorm with a bunch of 20 guys and it was a completely crazy, debauched holiday. It was a sort of 'idiots abroad'-type trip with a lot of drinking and partying. I’m surprised we came back alive."

In defence of the great British tourist | are we really that bad?

Where else is experiencing similar problems?

Magaluf, for one. Last month, 90 Britons lead by Irish tour operators were banned from a planned pub crawl in line with the resort's tightened laws.

A spokesman for the local council said: "Agents of the Local Police of Calvià have paralysed this week an organised group that carried out a pub crawling route through two Punta Ballena pubs as neither the guides nor the premises had the corresponding authorisations."

A grand total of 64 new rules were enforced last summer in Magaluf, all in a bid to clean up its debauched image. The long list of banned activities includes the obvious (urinating, spitting, and being naked on the streets), as well as the more unusual (climbing trees and using soap in public showers, to name a couple).

There's no shortage of tourists in Magaluf - Credit: 2014 Getty Images/David Ramos
There's no shortage of tourists in Magaluf Credit: 2014 Getty Images/David Ramos

The fines range from €100 to €599 (£88 to £527) for “minor” offences, including throwing cigarette butts or shining a laser beam on the streets, to more “serious” misdemeanours, for which the fine is €600 to €1,499 (£528 to £1,319), and “very serious” violations, including serving alcoholic drinks to those under the age of 18, where it is €1,500 to €3,000 (£1,320 to £2,640).

Many of the restrictions were reportedly proposed as a response to nearly 15,000 complaints made annually by locals to the council and police last year. The rulings form part of a five-year, £214 million regeneration programme first introduced in 2015, for which British police were sent to Magaluf to help keep tourists in check. The initiative was in part a response to a film of an 18-year-old woman performing sex acts on 24 men during a pub crawl on the Punta Ballena strip that went viral.

And Ibiza?

Last month, more than 500 people took to the streets to protest against the impact of overtourism in Ibiza – the first rally of its kind on the Balearic island famed for its hedonistic 24-hour lifestyle.

The rally, organised by local pressure group Prou!, took place on Vara de Rey in Ibiza Town, where protesters decried the privatisation of beaches, party boats, the rise in crime, and the increase in rental prices and noise pollution. 

Surprising alternatives to Europe’s most overcrowded cities

Speaking at the event, the director of Prou!, Àngels Escandell, said: “We don’t reject tourism but we do reject tourism which is unlimited, disrespectful and excessive.”

In 2017 Ibiza received 3,236,360 tourists, a five per cent rise on the 3,061,895 that visited in 2016. Brits make up the majority of incoming tourists, followed by Spanish and then Italian visitors.

Overtourism is now a global issue, isn't it?

Yes. The world has never been so inundated with tourists. A record 1.3bn foreign trips were made by holidaymakers in 2017 – up seven per cent on the previous year.

Much has been made of the impact mass tourism is having on local populations. The residents of Venice, Barcelona and Dubrovnik have been particularly vocal about the growing number of overseas visitors. They say tourists are spoiling the character of their cities, raising house prices and driving locals out.

Explainer | What is overtourism?

Last month Telegraph Travel put forward the case for “overtourism” - increasingly used to describe these recent problems with crowding in major cities but not yet found in any dictionary - to be 2018’s word of the year.

Want to help rather than hinder the problem? Read our guide here.