Bengal Cat Expertly Opening Every Cabinet and Drawer Is a 'Raccoon in Disguise'

Every pet owner has been amazed, and sometimes chagrined, to discover the kind of mischief their pet can get up to. Once, I thought my dog had snatched a piece of pizza off a plate on the coffee table, but when I chased him down, I couldn’t find it. That is, until I noticed that one of his prodigious jowls was oddly triangular-shaped.

Newfoundlands, amirite?

In this video, it is clear that this Bengal cat is some kind o f trickster god in disguise. Or at the very least…a very wily raccoon.

In the video, you can see Bengal cat Gucchie getting into all kinds of unlikely places. Sure, he opens the kitchen cabinets and leaps inside, but he manages this not only on the bottom, but also on the upper cabinets, thanks to his Bengal height.

Related: Bengal Cat's Sweet Meeting With a Newfoundland Is Making People Smile

Further, he can open the refrigerator door and take things off the shelf, raid his human mom’s purse, and even, stunningly, get into the proving drawer at the base of the oven.


Is a Bengal Cat Right For You?

Bengal cats are the result of a breeding program between the wild Asian Leopard cat and regular domesticated cats. Due to this origin of being a cross-breed between a wild animal and a domesticated ones, several states actually prohibit owning a Bengal unless you can prove that it is a certain number of generations removed from its ferocious forebear.

Today, Bengals are prized mainly for their gorgeous coats, which most often come in leopard spot style rosettes, as well as a variety of colors. Visit any Bengal cat breeding page, and they focus a ton on the colors of their kittens coats, and even price accordingly. In addition to the stunning leopard spots, Bengal cat coats are also said to be hypoallergenic, with minimal shedding, super soft, and possessed of a velvety metallic sheen.

Bengal kittens tend to cost in the neighborhood of two to three thousand dollars. For those who want a purebred cat, this seems very reasonable. For those who fished their kitten out of a dumpster, this seems ridiculous.

As far as personality goes, fans of the Bengals say they are smart, inquisitive, and “dog like,” with a high energy level and an eagerness to be around the humans in the family. They are wonderful climbers and jumpers, and are natural curious.

But you can’t let that curiosity kill your cat.

How To Make Your Bengal Happy

Bengals are known for their stunning ability to get into anything and climb everywhere. The antics of Gucci in this video are nothing that would strike any Bengal owner as particularly surprising.

Before you embark on your Bengal journey, it’s worth thinking about how you can best entertain this remarkable but highly energetic cat. Many fit them with harnesses and take them on walks or even hikes, because they are much more energetic than the usual house cat.

Others have even installed giant cat wheels in their home. These devices, like hamster wheels, act as a sort of treadmill for your kitty, so they can get their daily steps in from the relative safety of your living room.

Hey, keeps them from playing under the sink.

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