Ben Gravy Breaks Down Biggest and Best Paddle Waves of His Life

Ben Gravy on what he calls one of the most memorable waves of his life. Photo: Ben Gravy // YouTube
Ben Gravy on what he calls one of the most memorable waves of his life. Photo: Ben Gravy // YouTube

Ben Gravy is the king of the novelty wave, but don’t sleep on his abilities in real surf. While he continues to recover from a brutal-sounding bicep injury, Gravy has been releasing selections from the video vault. This latest video is a compilation of the biggest and best paddle waves of Ben’s life.

“Surfing is an almost impossible sport. It’s actually so hard,” exclaims Gravy at the top of the video. “It’s something that, no matter how good you get at it, you can always get better – and that’s only on your performance on the actual wave.” Gravy continues with a quick primer for neophytes on the constant frustration of learning and perfecting the ability to catch a wave in the wild, concluding that “It truly never ends. In surfing, you pretty much are at the point where you could have always been in a better spot on the wave, no matter what, but you kind of just learn to kind of live with that feeling – knowing that anything you do in surfing can never truly be perfect…almost never.”

That’s where this video comes in. Because, every once in a while, the stars and tides align and you do actually get some small semblance of a perfect moment. “Everything clicks, and you find yourself in the position on a wave where you rode it perfect and really nothing could have ever been really better,” says Gravy.

Hopefully he’s back in the water soon to stack a few more clips of that type of moment.

The post Ben Gravy Breaks Down Biggest and Best Paddle Waves of His Life first appeared on The Inertia.