Beloved Surf School Owner Dies Suddenly While Surfing in South Africa

South Africa's Dave McGregor, a respected member of the Port Alfred surf community, tragically died while surfing Kelly's Beach on Monday, February 26.

McGregor was a longboard champ, former journalist, and the owner of Shaka Surf School and Surf Lodge, who was known as "a surfing and maritime legend."

The cause of death is still "undetermined," but he "may have suffered a medical incident" in the water, according to the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI).

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According to an NSRI press release, other surfers noticed that McGregor looked unconscious in the lineup and managed to bring him to shore, where they initiated CPR and called for help.

The NSRI duty crew and Ndlambe lifeguards continued CPR efforts, but they were unable to save his life.

"On arrival on the scene extensive CPR efforts continued on the adult man but after all efforts were exhausted, sadly the man was declared deceased," the NSRI reported.

"The body of the man was taken into the care of Government Health Forensic Pathology Services," the press release stated.

Rest in peace, Dave.

On Shaka Surf School's Facebook page, McGregor's friends left their condolences in the comments section:

"My heart is broken RIP Dave"

"Devastated Eisch Sincere condolences to Family and Friends. Every cloud will be a wave. Surf anywhere now Bro. Respect!"

"Dave, our boys were so privileged to have you as their guide into surfing and the true meaning of STOKE. Hope your last wave was fabulous. Will always think of you when looking out over Sharks Bay."


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