Bellamy Young Was Only Supposed to Be in THREE Episodes of "Scandal"

Yes, queen — or should we say, YES, POTUS?!

After nearly seven seasons playing the tortured first lady-turned-senator Mellie Grant on "Scandal," Bellamy Young is now calling the shots! (That's Madame President to you.)

But as it turns out, the actress was only ever supposed to be in three episodes of the show!

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"As if they asked me what I wanted to do," she says, joking, "I was like, 'No, only three!'"

Clearly, though, Bellamy wowed (and broke our hearts — sniff!) as the third point in the love triangle between her on-screen husband, President Fitz Grant (played by Tony Goldwyn), and his forbidden love, professional fixer Olivia Pope (played by Kerry Washington).

So much so, they kept Bellamy front and center for SEVEN YEARS STRAIGHT!

And now?

"I'm the president, girl!" she says, obviously delighted. "It's intoxicating to sit in that Oval Office, and the fire is going, and the Oval has such soothing colors, and I just think, 'Ah.'"

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She adds, "To watch Mellie, who just had two lines in the pilot — Shonda was going to write a presidential divorce, and Mellie was going to be out in three episodes — and now to see her achieve her dream. It's been the Oval. It's really moving to me!"

Since Bellamy plays the head honcho on TV, Rach couldn't help but ask — what we she do if she were president?

First? "Love each other — that's a law," she says. "Gun control. And fostering! Animals or people. I was a foster child, and I foster a lot of animals. So, yeah, that's what I'm going with — those three."

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