Beijing Hosts Thrilling Big Air Competition

FIS Snowboard World Cup just hosted their Big Air competition in Beijing, China. Here are the results:


1) Anna Gasser @annagassersnow 🇦🇹

2) Tess Coady @tess_coady 🇦🇺

3) Miyabi Onitsuka @miyabionitsuka 🇯🇵


1) Suyi Ming @mingsuyi 🇨🇳

2) Ryoma Kimata @ryomakimata 🇯🇵

3) Kira Kimura @kimura_kira 🇯🇵

In the realm of big air, skiers and snowboarders catapult themselves off sizable ramps, executing a series of spins, grabs, and flips before touching down. Their objective is to awe the judges by showcasing impressive maneuvers, such as gripping their boards or intertwining their skis mid flight. Big air snowboarding contests showcase the pinnacle of aerial prowess and creativity on the slopes. In these adrenaline-charged events, fearless riders launch themselves off towering ramps, executing jaw-dropping spins, flips, and grabs with unmatched style. The emphasis on amplitude and technical difficulty pushes athletes to redefine the boundaries of what's possible in the air. Judges evaluate not only the execution of maneuvers but also the originality and innovation displayed. Spectators witness a thrilling fusion of athleticism and artistry as competitors soar through the winter sky, making big air contests a highlight of the snowboarding calendar and a celebration of the sport's dynamic evolution.

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