Behold, The Coolest Biker At The Skatepark

At skateparks, territorial boarders tend to not react well to bikes. In their eyes, we take up the park and drag dirt in. Perhaps the only time skaters will tolerate bikes is when they need to form an unholy alliance against scooter kids.

In this world, sometimes bikers just lean into the silliness. Why not be the kooks the skaters think we are?

Watch Kirt Voreis shred the skate park in what is perhaps the dorkiest fit imaginable.

In this video, Kirt shows up at the skatepark dressed like a grandpa. He shows off his prowess as he balances his bike on two skateboards. After a quick hike of the pants, Voreis is in the bowl throwing 360s and stalling above the coping.

Dad watts is a phenomenon in road biking in which fathers are able to put out more power simply by procreating. I propose that this phenomenon exists in mountain biking. I will call it dad tricks.

Even though Voreis is a veteran rider, he still knows how to get down in the skatepark. Often riders choose to ride on full suspension on dirt because it is more forgiving. Not Voreis.

It is great to see riders staking their claim at the skate park, especially when they are dressed like Grandpa.

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