Behold, Below Sea Level Chocolate Tubes in Peru (Clip)

Slabs are the wave type du jour in surfing currently.

Like sea monsters from the deep. Snarling with sharp teeth. Ridiculously steep. Shallow shelf below. Terribly difficult to surf. Yet extremely rewarding all the same.

And now, a new beast beckoning worthy challengers – this time in Peru:

Details about this chocolate-hued, below sea level, freak of nature slab are scarce. The videos come from Bruno Salazar, a bodyboarder in Peru. And what he shows is a reeling, thick, bottomed-out, cartoonish looking wave unfurling in coffee water.

A cousin of Skeleton Bay?

The wave is undeniably reminiscent of the world’s current longest, most perfect natural surf spot – Skeleton Bay in Namibia. But this one is extra slabby. Whereas Skeleton Bay can hold the size, and it definitely wins in terms of length of ride, this wave is extra hollow, almost square, as it pukes its guts up like a forsaken frappuccino.

Related: Video: The Best Rides from the World's Most Tubed Surfer

It even got the attention of Kelly Slater, who tossed the video a like.

From a different post, Salazar gives a little more info on the wave:

“One of the best waves I’ve ever surfed on sand if not the best I swear, when all the elements line up at this place it’s simply magical. Thing turns into a natural wave machine delivering the longest and roundest barrels one can imagine, talk about Skeleton Bay’s lost brother.. no joke.”

Peru is home to another unfathomable freak-of-nature wave. Chicama, in the north, is a contender with Skeleton Bay as the world's longest wave. It might even take the honors. But the thing is, Chicama is pretty soft, no tubes, on the gentler side.

But now, there's this...

So, what do we think? Is this Willy Wonka chocolate (tube) factory going to be teeming with pro surfers after this footage makes the rounds? Or is it more of a mirage? A bodyboarder-only wave? Too good to be true?

Stay tuned.


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