Behind-the-Scenes (and Inside the Tube) With Xavi Lucena at XXL Nias

When it gets over 8-feet, Nias is one of Indonesia's wildest right slabs.

See: Last weekend.

With a swell reading of 10 feet, 16 seconds and straight from the South, Lagundri Bay transformed from a rippable wall into a mutant, below sea level slab. And with so many options in Indo to pick from, only a handful of visiting pros chose Nias, leaving the lineup unusually quiet, considering how good it was.

Spain's Xavi Lucena sure didn't mind.

The vlog above follows Lucena from his villa in Bali to Nias. He talks board choices ("I'm only bringing step-ups because I want to catch the biggest waves"), admits to nerves ("I had to trick my mind last night or else I wouldn't sleep"), and then paddles out bright and early and straight into a series of below sea level slabs.

Lucena said he wanted to pack the wave of the swell, and he definitely makes his case for it (more than once) in this edit.

Did anyone get more barreled last weekend than Lucena? If so, we haven't seen it.


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