Beauty Vloggers Are Now Applying Foundation With Chicken Cutlets

Photo credit: YouTube/Nikkietutorials
Photo credit: YouTube/Nikkietutorials

From Seventeen

The average female has spent years in search of the best way to apply seamless foundation, trying everything from brushes to fingers to Beauty Blenders. As it turns out, the secret may have been in your bra all along.

After Molly Cosmetics' SiliSponge went viral, every makeup-wearing human on the internet clamored to get their hands on the blender, and the item promptly sold out.

Now to dupe the product – which looks like a combination of a raindrop cake and silicone bra insert – vloggers are beating their faces with chicken cutlets instead.

Photo credit: YouTube/Kelsey Alfred
Photo credit: YouTube/Kelsey Alfred

Big-name YouTubers such as Kelsey Alfred and NikkieTutorials have tested the ~weird~ hack, and guess what? It actually works.

Queen Nikkie tried it out with a sticky boob from Magic Body Fashion, trimmed for a more manageable shape.

Photo credit: YouTube/NikkieTutorials
Photo credit: YouTube/NikkieTutorials

First, she tried to swirl on her foundation, like you'd do with a makeup brush, but the outcome was a streaky mess.

Photo credit: YouTube/NikkieTutorials
Photo credit: YouTube/NikkieTutorials

At that point she switched to dabbing. Though the makeup's finish was "natural and soft," it wasn't quite what you'd get with a classic Beauty Blender.

Nikkie also noted that the sticky bra offered less control than a normal blending sponge, which made it more difficult to get coverage on the hard-to-reach nooks on her face.

As muh ladies know, the texture of a sticky boob vs. a regular insert is slightly different. According to Kelsey's video, the latter works better. She used a small cup insert she got at Charlotte Russe for $5.23.

Photo credit: YouTube/Kelsey Alfred
Photo credit: YouTube/Kelsey Alfred

The squishy texture felt amazing on her face, she noted, and the pointed end was perfect for getting a sharp line under winged liner. In the end, the application was flawless.

Looks like bra inserts are your new beauty secret. But before you start beating your face, I'd invest in a few that haven't had your under-boob sweat all over them.

Follow Kelsey on Instagram!

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