For Beautifully Crispy Scallops, Throw Them In The Oven

baked scallops breadcrumb topping
baked scallops breadcrumb topping - amandaformaro / Instagram

While searing scallops is the undeniably popular cooking technique for achieving a caramelized crust and tender interior, it's not the only way to prepare these shellfish. Scallops can also be grilled, baked, or even broiled to perfection, each method offering its unique flavor profile and texture. For example, if beautifully crispy scallops are what you're after, throw them in the oven.

Scallops themselves are not inherently thought of as crispy, as they have a moist, succulent flesh. The key to crispy oven scallops lies in the topping. Sprinkle the tops of the scallops with a mixture of breadcrumbs -- plain or panko will do -- herbs, and even some parmesan cheese if that's your thing. When baked in the oven, this topping will develop into a golden brown and flavorful crust that will provide a nice crispy contrast to balance the bouncy tenderness of the scallop meat.

For peak crispiness, go with a higher oven temperature, somewhere between 400 and 425 degrees Fahrenheit, for 12 to 15 minutes. This will ensure that your scallops are cooked through and opaque and that your topping develops a nice crunch. You can always finish off with a minute or two under the broiler if needed.

Read more: 13 Tips To Make Your Shrimp Taste So Much Better

Get Crispy Edges With Wrapped Scallops

bacon wrapped sea scallops
bacon wrapped sea scallops - SunflowerMomma/Shutterstock

Another way to achieve that satisfying crunch is to wrap your scallops in something that will crisp up nicely in the oven. The most popular choices are bacon or pancetta. This combination pairs the delicate sweetness of the scallops with the savory and salty crust of the cured meat. But there's a certain technique you'll need to achieve a beautifully crispy outer layer.

The trick is to par-cook the bacon or pancetta slightly before wrapping it around the scallops. You can do this in either the oven or on the stovetop, just be careful not to cook it so much that it's no longer pliable. This initial cooking step helps render some of the fat and partially crisps the outer layer of the meat, ensuring that it will fully crisp up evenly when finished in the oven.

Wrapping your scallops in bacon or pancetta not only adds flavor and provides a crispy bite, but it also acts as a protective layer that helps retain moisture in the scallops. This prevents them from overcooking and drying out.

Other Tips For The Best Oven-Baked Scallops

scallops and breadcrumbs on shells
scallops and breadcrumbs on shells - Caterina Trimarchi/Shutterstock

Before cooking scallops in the oven, it's crucial to make sure that they are very dry. Excess moisture on the surface of the scallops can prevent them from achieving a crispy texture during baking and can result in a watery mess in your baking dish. To ensure dryness, pat the scallops thoroughly with paper towels before seasoning, topping, or wrapping them. This step helps promote even browning and crispiness.

Consider using the scallop shells as baking dishes when preparing crispy scallops in the oven. This move adds a touch of elegance to the presentation of the dish but also helps with crisping since the shells can withstand very high temperatures. After cleaning and preparing the scallop shells, fill them with a mixture of scallops, seasonings, and breadcrumbs or cheese for added texture and flavor. You can then place the filled shells directly on a baking sheet and into the oven.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.