Beautiful German Shepherd Falls in Love with His Precious Stuffed Twin

It's his new best friend!

Santa had so many good dogs and cats on his nice list this year and so many of these adorable pets got exactly what they wanted for Christmas! One of the bestest boys is a beautiful German Shepherd that belongs to TikTok account holder @Rockyivanov who got a present he fell madly in love with. 

Just watch this adorable video to see what we mean! 

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Oh our hearts! His reaction is just so precious! We love how he naps with his stuffed doppelganger. "This is fine. I’m crying. It’s cool," comments @Smitchell13. It's just so dear! We feel you on this! @Jar09 adds, "I love this video, so cute!" @C types, "That's adorable. Maybe I'll get one of those for me. I'm too old to get another real dog." Awwww! 

Lots of people commented that Rocky needs his own real dog or puppy, and the creator replies that "Rocky has a disability and currently needs a lot of care & expenses. He really can’t play rough with other dogs due to his disability." We think his stuffed twin is an absolutely adorable substitution! What a sweet boy Rocky is! 

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