Beast from the East: Why you're not entitled to compensation if your flight is cancelled

Snow has an immense power to ground flights - Getty
Snow has an immense power to ground flights - Getty

The Beast from the East arrived, and brought with it flight delays and cancellations.

The snow has led to larges swathes of cancellations across the UK and Ireland, with some airports shutting down entirely. Airports on the Continent, too, have suffered from the disruption. 

Airlines are advising passengers to check the status of their flight before travelling to the airport.

What should I do if my flight is cancelled?

Under EU law an airline is not allowed to leave you high and dry if they cancel a flight you are booked on, says the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which governs UK airlines.

Generally, if your flight is cancelled you are due a refund on the unused parts of the ticket, or to be rebooked onto an alternative flight. BA said of its cancellations that it was finding new flights for passengers.

The Beast from the East has delivered as promised - Credit: Cover Images
The Beast from the East has delivered as promised Credit: Cover Images

The CAA says that airlines have an obligation to book you onto the flight of a rival airline if the other carrier is flying to your destination “significantly sooner”, adding “you can discuss this with your airline”.

If you are flying further than 1,500km, to say, southern Spain, Italy, or Greece and beyond, then a five-hour rule applies. If your flight is delayed for more than five hours you are entitled to a refund if you no longer wish to travel.

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Will I be fed and watered?

In the case of delays or cancellations, passengers have the right to care and assistance, in the form of food, drink, access to communications and accommodation, if necessary. The airline must pay for a hotel if an overnight stay is required.

Make sure you keep any receipts for anything purchased while delayed as you may be able to claim the cost back.

What about other arrangements I have paid for?

If you have booked a hire car, a hotel, a villa or other accommodation independently of your flight, and you are delayed or unable to travel, the airline is not liable for any losses you may incur. You are still responsible for paying the bill.

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Will I receive compensation on top of my refund?

Unfortunately not. As snow-related delays and cancellations are not the fault of the airline, compensation as protected by EU law does not apply.

Among the situations for which an airline is not culpable for a delay is “extraordinary circumstances”, which usually covers weather.

Of this week’s disruption at Heathrow, the CAA says: “Heathrow required airlines to cancel a proportion of their flights based on forecast bad weather.

Compensation due for a cancelled flight where no replacement was offered

“The reduction in capacity was to ensure flights could continue to operate safely and airlines could give advance notice to their passengers. The flights […] were cancelled based on the expected weather conditions and in our view would be considered to be an extraordinary circumstance and not subject to compensation.”

When “extraordinary circumstances”, as defined by the EU regulations on flight delays, apply, passengers are not entitled to the compensation normally due for delays and cancellations should they be the fault of the airline.

The CAA explains: “The EU Regulation does not define ‘extraordinary circumstances’ and there have been a number of cases in the European and English courts regarding what the term covers.”

When it comes to weather the argument is whether the airline’s operations have been hindered by extreme conditions, or ineffective operations or over-packing a schedule. Unfortunately, for passengers to find out they must go head to head with the airline and could end up in court.

Why are UK airports so bad at dealing with snow?

In 2013, Easyjet was forced by a judge to pay a passenger compensation after she proved that the bad weather blamed for a delay was not as described in both London and Nice when the flight took place.

At the time, a spokesperson for the airline said that the ruling did not set a precedent. A spokesperson for the CAA said at the time that the issue was “something of a grey area”.

What other exceptions are there?

For example, when the delay is due to war or civil unrest, security issues, natural disasters, extreme weather conditions (including an airport’s failure to de-ice the aircraft on time), air traffic control restrictions, strikes by airport staff, a medical emergency on board, and some crew issues.