Bearded Dragon Going For a Swim With His Human Mom Is Stopping People in Their Tracks

Let's face it--swimming pools were practically built for summertime. Swimming is a fun form of exercise that just about anyone can do, and taking a dip in the water can be perfect for cooling off. It comes as no surprise that some pets love going for a swim, too.

Many dogs enjoy getting in the water, but that's not what we're talking about here. @Nicolethomas200 brought her bearded dragon to the pool! Even though the reptile enjoyed the coolness of the water, he enjoyed being with his mom even more.

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Now that's not something you'd see every day! We'd definitely do a double-take if we saw a bearded dragon having fun at our local pool, but no one seems to be batting an eye in this video clip. In the comment section, though--that's another story!

@Batfreak215 must've read the lizard's mind when she wrote "'and that's enough of that..MOOOOOM!'" That's exactly what a child would say! Luckily for this scaly kiddo, his mom is right there to give him a helping hand... and a floatie to chill on top of.

We thought we had it all figured out, but then we read what @humansbeing86 had to say: "he just dropped a freaking log too!" OMG--he did! That was a super sneaky move, but at least he took a paddle away from Mom before doing his business in the pool. This bearded dragon really is like a little kid!

While some viewers (ourselves included) were initially surprised by how naturally this reptile can swim, others who are more experienced with this species know that bearded dragons are naturally talented swimmers. They don't often encounter large bodies of water in the wild, though they can navigate short swims just fine.

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