Bear Walks Up to California Home on 2 Legs Like It Owns the Joint

For people who live in the city or suburbs, encounters with wildlife seem like something out of a storybook, or something you only see on vacation. But for folks who live in the country or in more forested areas, visits from animals can happen on a daily basis. Still, seeing wildlife all the time doesn't make their appearances any less special. Whether it's a family of deer grazing on the lawn or your favorite backyard bird enjoying the seed you left them, there's nothing like an animal sighting to put a smile on your face.

And this bear encounter in the mountains of California is no different! Homeowner Andrew Scholes in Sierra County (not far north of Lake Tahoe) had the surprise of a lifetime when he noticed a small black bear peering curiously into his home. When he got a closer look at the bear standing outside, he noticed it was standing on two legs!

The January 9 video is just too cute to miss. Take a look!

OMFG--what a cutie! This little bear looks like a stuffed animal come to life, and I can't look away. It's times like these when I understand why people are tempted to pet dangerous animals!

Related: Bear Walks Straight Into Tennessee Cabin Like He Owns the Joint

It could be the angle of the video from the Golden State, but this looks like a fairly small bear, too. He could be one of the yearlings who was born last winter and is learning to forage for food this winter. In California, black bears are active year-round, even though many spend most of their time in their dens. Still, they're not hibernating!

What to Do if You Encounter a Black Bear

Those who live in forested areas and places where black bears roam know staying inside is the only thing they need to do. Most bears will pass through in their own time unless, of course, they find food. Andrew made the right call by staying indoors and watching the bear through the window, though it can be trickier to know what to do when you're out in the wild.

You may be familiar with the old rhyme, "If it's brown, lie down. If it's black, fight back." It turns out this is actually good advice! You won't outrun or escape either one of these wild bears in your neighborhood, so it's best to know what to do just in case. While the vast majority of bears do not attack, they can retaliate when feeling threatened. That's why you should be sure to give bears plenty of space once you spot one to avoid a bear encounter. If you're lucky, though, you'll get to see one of nature's fiercest creatures from the comfort of the great indoors!

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