Bear Escapes Saint Louis Zoo Enclosure in Extremely Rare Incident

Guess he had places to be.

An Andean bear named Ben was not having it with this locked up in captivity life Tuesday morning when he managed to escape his enclosure for about two hours at The Saint Louis Zoo. According to zoo officials, Big Boy Ben (who weighs roughly 300 pounds) started meddling with with the mesh in his enclosure, which caused one of the steel cables to break.

This was when Ben made his great escape and squeezed through a small hole in the mesh.

According to KY3 News, Billy Brennan, director of public relations at the zoo, said it was a challenge to get the bear sedated because it was in a heavily wooded area and difficult to get a clear tranquilizer shot. Zoo officials called Tuesday’s incident extremely rare.

The zoo said the team is now in the process of inspecting the habitat and others that have a similar steel mesh enclosure to ensure something like this doesn’t happen again. As for Ben the bear, he's doing fine.

Ben probably just wishes he would have made it at least to McDonald's during his adventure out of his enclosure.

* An earlier version of this article listed the zoo as the Cleveland zoo, the article has been updated to reflect the correct information.

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