This Beach Workout Builds Serious Strength In the Sand

blonde woman doing a beach workout on the sand
blonde woman doing a beach workout on the sand


Want access to the best cardio and strength equipment anywhere? One word: sand. Walking or running on the sand is a radically simple way to up the intensity of your workout without inching up your incline or pushing your pace.

Just treading on loose sand as opposed to solid ground, you'll be working harder (and therefore reaping more benefits). Because sand grains constantly shift, "your nervous system has to recruit additional muscle fibers in your legs, hips, and trunk in response," says Rocco Bergin, a trainer for the Sports Center at Chelsea Piers in New York City at the time of this article's original publication.

Also, the soft surface absorbs more energy, so instead of experiencing a helpful rebound effect as you would on pavement, you sink deeper and your muscles have to engage longer to push off. "You're forced to work harder to move," says Martyn Binnie, Ph.D., a performance scientist of rowing at the Western Australian Institute of Sport. The payoff: Do a beach workout on the sand and you burn up to 50 percent more calories per minute than if you do the same routine on pavement or grass, according to Binnie's studies. (If you can't hit the beach, try these interval running workouts instead.)

Plus, because sand soaks up some of the pounding, "it also reduces stress on your joints," explains Binnie. His research found that the impact is about four times lower on sand than on firmer surfaces, which can mean much less post-workout inflammation and soreness. This remains true even as you increase your exercise intensity, he says. The bonus is that you'll bounce back faster after a tough session — and be ready to hit the sand for your next round of beach workout fun.

Try this beach workout below, which combines running and bodyweight strength and agility moves.

How it works: If you're new to beach workouts, start on wet sand, as it's firmer and provides a more stable base of support, recommends Binnie. And be sure to do the exercises in this beach workout on level sand. Running and jumping on an angle, as you would along a shoreline, puts you in an awkward position, which could cause injury, says Binnie. And as for shoes, wear sneakers when you're on coarse, cold, or hot sand. Otherwise, you can go barefoot. You're getting the same benefits from the workout either way, so base your choice on comfort.

The Ultimate Sand Beach Workout

10 Minutes: Warm-up

Warm up with a brisk walk or an easy jog for 3 minutes. Then do each move below for 30 seconds. Repeat the circuit twice for a total of 4 minutes.

  • Run at a fast pace.

  • Side shuffle with right foot leading.

  • Side shuffle with left foot leading.

  • Run backward.

Then, run at a moderate pace for 3 minutes.

woman doing a broad jump exercise as a part of a beach workout on the sand
woman doing a broad jump exercise as a part of a beach workout on the sand

2 Minutes: Plyo Circuit

Do 15 reps each of the jumping moves below. Repeat the circuit as many times as you can in 2 minutes. (See also: 10 Power Plyometric Leg Exercises You Need to Start Doing)

  • Tuck: Jump as high as possible, pulling knees toward chest. Extend legs downward while landing with knees soft. That's one rep. Repeat as quickly as possible.

  • Skater: Pushing off with right foot, jump to the left, landing on left foot (knees soft) and sweeping right leg behind and across; reach right fingertips to left toes. Quickly repeat on the other side. That's one rep. Continue alternating sides.

  • Broad Jump: Jump as far forward as possible, then land softly in a squat. That's one rep.

3 Minutes: Run

Run at a fast pace.

woman doing an upright crunch as a part of a beach workout on the sand
woman doing an upright crunch as a part of a beach workout on the sand

2 Minutes: Core Circuit

Do 15 reps each of the moves below. Repeat the circuit as many times as you can in 2 minutes.

  • Upright Crunch: Sit with knees bent, feet flat, hands on sand beside hips. Lean back slightly, lift bent legs, and extend arms forward with palms facing up to start. Extend legs forward while leaning torso back until mid-back touches ground and shoulders and legs hover above it. Return to starting position. That's one rep. (Obsessed with this move? Try this hardcore abs workout to target your core.)

  • Walking Plank: Start in a palm plank position. Lower right forearm to the ground, then left forearm. Press up onto right palm, then left palm. That's one rep. Switch sides; repeat. Continue, alternating sides.

  • Bicycle: Sit with legs long and lift them a few inches off the ground, lean torso back 45 degrees, and place fingertips behind ears with elbows bent out to sides. Pull right knee toward chest while rotating torso to touch left elbow to right knee. Switch sides; repeat. That's one rep. Continue, alternating sides. (These are the best lower abs exercises for a tight core.)

5 Minutes: Run

Run at a fast pace.

4 Minutes: Run Drills

Do each move below for 30 seconds. Repeat the circuit twice.

  • Run at a fast pace.

  • Side shuffle with right foot leading.

  • Side shuffle with left foot leading.

  • Run backward.

woman doing a bear crawl exercise as part of a beach workout on the sand
woman doing a bear crawl exercise as part of a beach workout on the sand

2 Minutes: Burnout Circuit

Do each move below for 30 seconds. Repeat the circuit once.

  • Sprint: Run as fast as possible.

  • Bear Crawl: Stand with feet hips-width apart. Fold forward and plant hands about 3 feet in front of feet. Keeping hips back, bend elbows and knees slightly (almost as if in a downward dog). Maintain this shape while walking hands and feet forward.

3 Minutes: Cool Down

Walk or jog for 3 minutes. (Optional: End with these five post-workout stretches.)