Basset Hound's Ability to Smell Treats From Blocks Away Is a Riot

There’s a good reason why Hounds are used for hunting: Because their noses and sense of smell are spot-on.

One Basset Hound owner realized just how strong her dog’s sense of smell was when he led her from blocks away to a store that had treats sitting inside.

The dog’s name is Hamish, and he’s got one strong sniffer! If he could smell those treats from that far away, we can’t imagine what he can tell from the other scents he smells throughout New York City, where he lives.

Related: Basset Hound 'Throws a Fit' Like a Human Kid After Mom Turns Off 'The Little Mermaid'

Walking around the city like that must be such a mentally stimulating experience for the pup. It’s incredible that he was able to tell where the treats were, even though they were even behind a glass wall.

This pup earns a gold star for his treat tracking abilities! When his owner wanted to keep walking, he laid flat on his stomach begging to stay. Maybe he went home to enjoy a few treats! We can only hope.

His stubborn personality is another thing that’s evident with Basset Hounds. When they decide they’re not walking any further, that’s the verdict!

We love how adorably stubborn this pup became when he realized he couldn’t go inside for biscuits. We’re not sure why else there would be a plate of biscuits on a pedestal at a store, but we never will find out.

With his extreme sense of smell, this pooch must get scolded for going for food scraps on the city streets all the time. There’s always something that a busy person or little kid has dropped on the sidewalk, and it must be a challenge to keep that away from such a persistent dog!

Hopefully, this pup will be rewarded with treats on his next walk—and then his owner won’t have to deal with a Basset tantrum again.

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