Bartenders Are Sharing The Things They Absolutely Hate That Customers Do, And I'm Taking Notes

1.Bartenders hate when you can't figure out why your bill is the way it is:

"No, it's the bartender who's wrong"

2.Bartenders hate when you give them that little "damn":

"Please don't say damn when you hear the price"

3.Bartenders hate when you think you'll get a drink special:

A bartender shaking a drink

4.Bartenders hate when you ask for an extremely complicated homemade recipe:

A laminated drink recipe

5.Bartenders hate when you think less ice equals more booze:

Ray Liotta laughing

6.Bartenders hate when you try to clean up like this:

A bunch of napkins in a cup

7.Bartenders hate when you barge in and yell your order:

Samuel L. Jackson in "Pulp Fiction"

8.Bartenders hate when you order drinks that are literally impossible to make:

A receipt for a drink order

9.Bartenders hate when you make a giant mess with a pitcher:

A little boy spilling juice on the floor

10.Bartenders hate when you open and close a tab a million times:

People at the bar

11.Bartenders hate when you wait 'til the last minute to order a bunch more drinks:

Robert Downey Jr. rolling his eyes

12.Bartenders hate when you are creepy to the staff:

"Is this love?"

13.Bartenders hate when you tip like this:

"Don't be this guy"

14.Bartenders hate when you think they have some sort of superpowers:

Tweet from a bartender saying she carried 4 pints and they wondered where the other 3 were

15.Bartenders hate when you think they can tell the difference between all your cards:

A bunch of bar tabs and credit cards

16.Bartenders hate when you block their way:

A train hitting a bus

17.Bartenders hate when you keep going and going and going:

SpongeBob on the phone and drained of energy

18.Bartenders hate when you make modifications that make literally no sense at all:

pina colada order reading extra creamy

19.Bartenders hate when you walk in right at the end of the night:

"a group of assholes suddenly walking in"
Jeff J Mitchell / Staff

20.Or, see this exact sight and ask "are you closed?"

Chairs on top of the bar

21.Bartenders hate when you come in once and think you're a regular:

Post from a bartender

22.Bartenders hate when you interrupt them during a super busy shift to take a picture:

A man crying and taking a photo

23.Bartenders hate when you order a complicated drink in a dive bar:

"but I figured if he thought I was stupid, he'd quit trying to order cocktails at a dive bar"

24.Bartenders hate when you let them list off 27 beers and just choose something else:

"You sly dog, you had me monologuing"

25.Bartenders hate when you think saying "make it strong" will get you a strong drink:

"Pay for a double"

26.Bartenders hate when you refuse to take no for an answer:

Charlie looking manic with a cigarette in his hand

27.Bartenders hate when you ask questions when the answer is right in front of you:

28.And bartenders hate when you order this exact drink, apparently:

Tito's and vodka


29.Bartenders love when you know exactly what you want, no matter how basic:

"Daring today, aren't we?"

30.Bartenders love when you acknowledge how stressful the job can be:

Baby Yoda

31.Bartenders love when you know when it's time to stop:

"It has been a pleasure to serve you, but it is time for you to leave for the night."

32.And bartenders love when you show a little monetary love:

"Thanks for making our family feel welcome!"