Bartenders Are Sharing Their Unspoken Rules That They're Sick Of Everyone Breaking

Recently, I wrote a post about bartenders sharing unspoken rules that everyone keeps breaking — especially in 2022! Well, bartenders in our BuzzFeed Community came through with some spot-on examples of their own.

Here's what they said:

1."I fucking hate it when they take their beer bottle and use the ridges on the bottom like a cattle call. Makes me wanna take the bottle and do things."


2."Treat your bartender like a human being, be patient, and don't act like an entitled garbage person."


3."If you’re going to have more than one drink (or round of drinks), open a tab and do not 'just close it for now.' When everyone in the bar is opening and closing for each individual order, it slows down service for everyone in the bar, you included! I’m not asking you to open a tab to try to scam you into buying more; I’m asking so we can all be more efficient and I can better serve you and others. In fact, if you open a tab, I can better track how much you’ve been buying. If you’ve been nice and you’ve bought quite a few, I might have the ability to buy you back a round."


A bartender giving a customer the "okay" symbol.
Westend61 / Getty Images/Westend61

4."DO NOT call me barmaid, serving wench, etc. Even as a joke — it's very derogatory and rude."


5."A bartender is providing you a service — they don't work for you, and they should always be treated with respect. Tip, smile, say please and thank you, be patient, and did I say tip?"


6."If you’re in Ireland, ALWAYS order your Guinness FIRST. Guinness needs time to settle once it's poured."


More on this here.

A pint of Guinness next to a steak dinner.
Camij / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7."I get what you are saying, but as a bartender, I always hate the question: 'What beers/wines do you have?' I’ve worked at places with over 100 different beers. I need at least a style, so I can help you besides find something you enjoy. If I’m working at some dive bar with eight drafts and four bottles, I will gladly repeat them, but trying to throw 30 random beers at an indecisive person can be time-consuming and a little annoying."


8."Don't tell me to 'hook you up' especially on the first drink I'm making you. You hook me up with a generous tip, and then we can go from there. Big tips go a long way.


Two women ordering drinks at a bar.
Andersen Ross / Getty Images/Image Source

9.“'Make me what you feel like.' So, whiskey neat it is then. Seriously, never say this to a bartender. Just order what you want or ask for a suggestion based on a flavor profile that you like. It’s not cute or helpful to be indecisive."


10."'Surprise me!' Pisses me off to no end."


A group of people ordering drinks at a bar.
Roy Hsu / Getty Images/Uppercut RF

11."Don't talk about another bartender to me or call them a 'bitch/dick for xyz,' even though it’s your fault."


12."Don't aggressively hit on the bartender. A lot of people will think it's okay just because you as the bartender are being amicable and it's interpreted as flirting."


A woman leaning over the bar while talking to a bartender.
Skynesher / Getty Images

13."Don't give me unsolicited bartending advice."


14."Don't make assumptions about my career/ambition/drive for life because I am a bartender. Or ask, 'What's your real job?'"


15."I have known a few bartenders. One trick they've all told me is this: Sit at the bar patiently, make eye contact with the bartender who's around you, and SMILE. A warm smile is very welcoming in the chaos, and they more than likely come to you first over the assholes whistling and waving their cash and slamming the bar."


16."Don't expect top-notch five-second service on a Friday/Saturday night at 9 p.m., folks. Just don't. Be patient and smile, and say please and thank you."


So, did they miss any? What do you think of these rules? Let me know in the comments below!

Responses edited for length/clarity/explanation.