If You're A Bartender Or Barista, Tell Us Some Stereotypes That You Associate With Certain Drink Orders

Back when I was a barista, it was hard not to notice little patterns between what a person ordered and what type of person they were. For instance, people who ordered plain black coffee, for the most part, just didn't tip me. I have a theory that because I didn't have to use the big ol' espresso machine for this, they didn't think my effort (I still made the coffee) warranted a little something extra. But the jury's still out.

"I'm sorry. You wanted a tip."
"I'm sorry. You wanted a tip."

20th Century Fox / Via tenor.com

I worked in a relatively small cafe, so I bet people who serve hundreds of people a day have even more experience with guessing what type of person a customer is by their drink order. So, if you work or have worked as a barista, bartender, or any other customer-facing role where you served people beverages, I wanna hear your stories.

Maybe you're a bartender, and every time you hear someone order an IPA, you look up and, without fail, it's a bearded guy asking you how hoppy the drink is.

A man drinking a beer
A man drinking a beer

Buffalo Wild Wings / Via giphy.com

Or, maybe you're a barista at a local cafe, and ever since chain coffee places put "iced cappuccinos" — a drink you will never understand — on their menu, every time someone orders one, you kinda know you're getting overflow from the nearest chain. And you get yourself ready to receive some major pushback from the customer when they undoubtedly complain that their drink is a tepid mess.

A man drinking a coffee
A man drinking a coffee

CBeebies / Via giphy.com

Or, perhaps you work at a bar, and any time someone orders a glass of wine and you hear them say "give me a generous pour," your heart sinks a little because you know you're in for a difficult night with this customer.

Screenshot from "Arrested Development"
Screenshot from "Arrested Development"

FOX / Via giphy.com

Maybe you work at a very cool, very expensive juice bar, and every time someone orders the hot new drink that month, you know, without fail, you're gonna see that customer snap an aesthetic pic, MAYBE take one sip, and then proceed to throw the entire drink you just spent time making right in the trash.

A woman taking a photo of her drink
A woman taking a photo of her drink


Whatever drink it is that you immediately associate with a stereotype or type of behavior, I wanna hear about it. In the comments below, tell me a kind of drink that a very specific type of customer orders. If you want to remain anonymous, you can submit your story using this Google form.

Your experience may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!