Barron Mamiya Versus Kelly Slater at Bells Beach, Who You Got?

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When the third round of the Rip Curl Pro Bells Beach kicks off (hopefully later today), Kelly Slater is up against Barron Mamiya in heat 11.

It's a great matchup: The GOAT, coming off his first opening round victory of the year, versus Mamiya, the Pipe Pro champ and current world number 5.

So: who's the favorite?

Judging from Mamiya's dizzying Portugal highlight reel (above), it'd be really hard to pick against him. After all, he's one of the more exciting young new surfers on the CT, and he's already won a CT at Sunset, a wave that's similar to the canvas at Bells.

But, on the other hand, there's Slater. Nothing to lose. About to be a Dad (again). And did you see the surfing he did in the opening round yesterday? Somehow Slater is still as good anyone on tour on the open face, and he proved that by beating John Florence and Seth Moniz at the Bells Bowl yesterday. We bet nobody saw that coming.

After taking out Florence, Slater will be riding a bit of momentum for the first time in awhile. If he can get past Mamiya (and if Bells cooperates with more waves), watch out.

Sure, a 5th Bells win is improbable for Slater.

But is it impossible?



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