Barefoot's New Canned Wine Spritzer Flavors Are Coming, And Now I’m Ready For Summer Fridays

Photo credit: Barefoot Wine
Photo credit: Barefoot Wine

From Delish

It's summa time! Or at least I keep telling myself it (almost) is. Because, let's face it, the thought of cracking open a can of beer wine sounds really really good right about now. And now that Barefoot Wine's latest canned spritzers have launched, summer Fridays can't come soon enough.

Though, of course, this is not the first time canned wine has stolen our hearts (or even Barefoot's first canned spritzer offerings, for that matter), the brand's two newest flavors are definitely worth celebrating. I mean, Pinot Grigio and Pink Moscato? They're the life of every summer party.

According to Just Wine App, the Pinot Grigio Spritzer will be crisp with pear, chamomile tea, and lemon hints. The Pink Moscato Spritzer, however, will be sweeter with peach, strawberry, and "subtle honey" notes. Honestly, it's a little alarming how happy the sound of these makes me. I'll be adding these to my Drizly cart alongside Barefoot's fruity Rosé Spritzers from last year as soon as they're released.

But, while we wait for the new ones, other refreshing flavors in addition to the rosé come in similar 8.4 fluid ounce cans. These include Red Sangria with hints of berry and citrus, Summer Red with light raspberry and orange flavors, Moscato with peach and tangerine notes, and Crisp White with hints of melon and pear.

Maybe the best part of the whole thing? These flavors are currently all sold on Drizly for the most convenient alcohol delivery while you patiently wait for the Pinot Grigio and Pink Moscato to make their debut. Then keep an eye out for the new ones as you're strolling the aisles of your local wine store-they average about $8 for a four-pack.

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