Barack Obama “crashed” an event to surprise Michelle for their 25th anniversary, and yes, she cried

Barack Obama “crashed” an event to surprise Michelle for their 25th anniversary, and yes, she cried
Barack Obama “crashed” an event to surprise Michelle for their 25th anniversary, and yes, she cried

Barack — you sly, ROMANTIC dog. While Michelle Obama joined friend Shonda Rhimes onstage at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women, husband and former president Barack Obama decided to crash the party to surprise Michelle for their anniversary. We wish Barack would crash our parties, but…

Yesterday was the Obama’s 25th wedding anniversary and although they weren’t spending the day together, both parties shared their love for each other in special ways. Michelle shared a photo from their wedding day on Instagram and wrote in the caption,

“A quarter of a century later, you’re still my best friend & the most extraordinary man I know. I



And to show his appreciation and love for Michelle, Obama decided to sneakily insert himself into the conference via a large video monitor that played for the crowd (and has since been shared on their social media feed). If there was a “Best Husband of the Year” award, he’d win, hands-down.

I dropped in on Michelle’s talk at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women to deliver a message on our 25th wedding anniversary. Asking you to go out with me is the best decision I ever made. I love you, Michelle.

Posted by Barack Obama on Tuesday, October 3, 2017

“I had to crash this party because today we have been married for 25 years,” Barack said in his video. “The idea that you would put up with me for a quarter of a century is a remarkable testament to what a saintly, wonderful, patient person you are.”

Michelle teared up at the message, we teared up at the message — everybody needed a tissue by the end of it.

Image of Michelle Obama tearing up
Image of Michelle Obama tearing up

At the end of Barack’s video, Michelle turned to Rhimes and joked, “I better get home.” And then we proceeded to manically laugh-cry. They are too perfect.

Barack and Michelle, we miss you, we love you, and we’re wishing you another fruitful 25 years of wedded bliss!