Bar-head Goose Getting Happy Feet at San Antonio Aquarium Is the Best

Bar-head geese are known for their incredible migratory feats and they undertake one of the highest altitude migrations of any bird, flying over the Himalayas and reaching heights of up to 29,000 feet. Well, know they will also be known for their incredible happy feets, because this cutie posted by The San Antonio Aquarium gets all too excited for meal time.

Check out the following adorable clip posted by the TikTok account for @Sanantonio_aquarium of little Gomez enjoying a snack.

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Awwww! His little tippy tappies are so cute! TikTok users agree and @Manda says, "Me when I get food as well." Us too! @Rightshu adds, "Gomez speaks for all of us." @Paulette says, "He's so pretty. and he has the moves." @Lisa replies, "It's giving Flashdance." LOL he is a maniac. @Claire says, "Tippy tappy those little feet, you funky little man." @Erinn says, "Happy tippy tappy is universal. And always adorable." Always! We'd basically take a bullet for Gomez.

Bar-head geese usually eat grasses, aquatic plants and other vegetation. It looks like he is eating some sort of seed or bird seed in the video, and if that's enough to make him do the tippy tap dance then good for him!

You can find more information about the San Antonio Aquarium, including operating hours, ticket prices and location here.

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