Are Banks Closed for Juneteenth? Check Here

Also known as Freedom Day, Emancipation Day and Jubilee Day, Juneteenth is a holiday commemorating June 19, 1865: the day enslaved African Americans in Galveston, TX, learned that they were finally free.

Although celebrated throughout the decades, the day was not legally recognized as a federal holiday until President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act on June 17, 2021. And since it's a new federal holiday that also happens to fall on a Sunday this year, many are curious about what's open and closed in honor of the day on Monday, June 20.

Are banks open on Juneteenth?

The answer is no. While banks are not obligated to close on the holidays recognized by the U.S. Federal Reserve System, they typically do. Because the holiday is being observed on Monday, June 20, you an expect bank branches to be closed. This means you won't be able to connect with any tellers or staff (as they'll be off) and drive-through services may be unavailable.

Any bank files (including your direct deposits), won't be moved on this day. So make sure to move up the processing schedule and switch pay day to the previous business day if the check falls directly on the holiday.

Will digital banking be open?

Online banking will still be available. Having a digital account means you can check on your balance, pay bills, move money between your accounts and deposit checks.

To find out what holidays are observed by the Federal Reserve System, browse though their list of federal banking holidays for the current year and the four years following. Make sure to check your bank's website for additional information.

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