Banish Boredom: 14 Creative Ways to Keep the Kids Entertained at Home

Banish Boredom: 14 Creative Ways to Keep the Kids Entertained at Home

My kids seem to run through the activities I have planned for them faster than I usually expect, which is why I always need a backup list of even more easy kids activities, like the indoor activities here. These ideas, which are all things you can do with items you most likely have in the house already, have been recent wins with my littles. And they've made me realize that there are a few perks to this being stuck at home business…namely more opportunities to laugh and create together! (Okay, this sometimes does result in more messes to clean up, but I can usually recruit the kids to help if I turn some music on and make it into a dance party!). From cardboard letter hunts to DIY Jenga and the best homemade salt dough, these ideas will keep everyone busy…at least until the next snack time rolls around!

Paper Toss

Have fun shooting hoops without the need to go anywhere with the help of crumbled up paper from the recycling bin. Plus, you don't have to worry about the kids breaking a window with a real ball! Simply set up any tall laundry basket ($9, Target) and have the kids make balls from scraps of paper. Whoever makes the most baskets wins. (P.S. You can also use socks for the balls instead of paper!)

DIY Checkers

Use a piece of buffalo check fleece to make a DIY checkerboard. To make a standard 8x8-inch square board, trim fabric 1/2-inch beyond the 8x8-inch grid and blanket stitch the edges. Use rounds of cardboard or wood as the game pieces. Each player will need 12. If you don't have fabric on hand, you can also use a buffalo check flannel shirt or simply draw a grid on construction paper.

Toppling Tower

Let the kids create their own game. Have them cover as many empty boxes as you have with wrapping paper, construction paper, or even magazine pages. To play, have the kids alternate stacking the boxes one on top of the other. The player who topples the tower is out! Keep playing until only one winner remains.

Rainbow Foam

This fluffy foam is colorful, bright, and perfect for kids to get their hands a little messy. Place 2 tablespoons of clear dish detergent, 1 tablespoon of nontoxic tempera paint (like Washable Tempera Paint, $10 for 6, Target), and 1/4 cup water into a bowl. Using an electric mixer, blend the ingredients for 1–2 minutes until the mixture becomes fluffy. Place the foam in a large plastic bin and let the kids dive in.

Salt Dough

Mix together flour, salt, and water to make a simple dough they can roll and cut into any shapes they like. After baking, they can paint the shapes according to their imagination using acrylic crafts paint! I like to do the dough part in the morning, bake during snack and quiet time, then paint in the afternoon. It's a total win for kids aged 2 and up.

Indoor Art

Have more fun with the alphabet with this fun letter art. Use a wooden letter from the crafts supply store or cut one out of cardboard. Then let the kids paint and decorate their letter with pom-poms, sequins, and markers however they like. They could even do their whole name if they want!

Paint Cookies

Use a clean paintbrush to paint homemade icing onto healthy sugar cookies—any homemade or packaged sugar cookies work just as well. It's a fresh way to decorate cookies and you get to eat the creations at the end!

Indoor Hopscotch

Get the kids moving, even on days when they're stuck inside, with a game of indoor hopscotch. Use paper and patterned tape to make the game—just tape off nine rectangles and fill each with a fun pattern. (Be sure to securely attach the paper to the floor with tape to help the game last a little longer!)

Pom-Pom Races

Pull out some straws and pom-poms and get ready to have the silliest race! (My kids thought this was totally hilarious when we did it after dinner on a recent night.) Tape off a finish line on a table or on the floor in a hallway. Assign each player a color of pom-pom and set them in a row. Divide players into two teams, and give each child a straw and a pom-pom. To play, set the pom-poms in a row and go. Whoever blows their pom-pom across the finish line first wins!

Alphabet Find

Try an indoor scavenger hunt! Recruit the kids to help you glue letters into leftover boxes—you'll need one of each letter of the alphabet. Then, let them hunt for objects that correspond with each letter. Think "S" for shell, "B" for a bouncy ball, "K" for key. See if they can find objects to fill up the whole alphabet!

Have a Costume Party

Pull out the dress-up bin, or just raid the regular clothes closets, and set out a box filled with clean household supplies like rubber gloves, funnels, cardboard, and wooden spoons. Challenge each child to create a fun costume using only these found supplies and then to tell a story about it!

Make Slime

Slime has become quite the hot commodity in recent years. Let your kiddos channel their inner mad scientist with this easy to make goo from glue. Make it from scratch with this recipe or get a slime making kit ($30, Walmart). Your child can get creative and add glitter or add-ins to their slime.

Friendship Bracelets

Friendship bracelets are cool projects that are sure to keep children focused and occupied for awhile. A variety pack of embroidery floss, letter beads ($4, Walmart), scissors, and some tape is all that's needed for your kids to make bracelets for themselves or others.

Dance Party

An old-fashioned dance party is perfect way to keep your children busy. Let them pick out their favorite songs and blast them on a speaker or stereo. Combine with dress up to have a full blown mini party right in your living room. Add some balloons ($5, Target) or noise makers for an added thrill.