Bam Margera Granted Court Access to Skate at Spookala Event in Tampa FL, October 6-8th

Let's face it, Bam hasn’t exactly had a smooth ride the past few years. This former Jackass star who was not allowed to appear in the Jackass Forever due to his inability to comply with the company’s wellness guidelines found himself stuck in Pennsylvania with an alcohol monitoring bracelet on his ankle; resulting from a public intoxication and disorderly conduct charge he received in August 2023.

About a month after the arrest Bam has been staying sober and skating again, and come October 6th through the 8th, 2023, the court granted him special access to leave Pennsylvania and travel to Tampa, FL to appear at the Spookala event. Check his announcement below;

As long as Bam tells court officials his whereabouts he is able to attend the event to skate and take photos with fans. If all goes well and he stays sober he may be granted early removal of his ankle monitor on October 9th.

Spookala is a biannual horror convention that hosts music, vendors, horror movies, and other entertainment with special celebrity appearances.

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