Bali considering tourist tax to stem rising tide of rubbish

The new tax will help Bali tackle its growing rubbish problem - AFP
The new tax will help Bali tackle its growing rubbish problem - AFP

Famed for its sandy beaches, timeworn temples and Unesco-listed rice terraces, the Indonesian island of Bali has developed a less desirable reputation of late – for rubbish. Now the authorities are considering introducing a tourist tax to help tackle the rising tide of waste.

According to the Bali Environment Agency, the island produces 3,800 tons of waste per day. The organisation claims just 60 per cent of that is disposed of in landfill sites, with much of it ending up on beaches and in the sea where it poses a danger to marine life.

Bali, which is similar in size to the English county of Devon, welcomed 5.7 million international visitors in 2017; in the same year a “garbage emergency” was declared on the island due to the vast amounts of rubbish, including single-use plastic, washing up on its shores.

According to the Jakarta Post, Bali is now considering a $10 (£7.60) tourist tax to help fund waste disposal. The authorities have already banned some single-use plastics, such as straws and carrier bags, in a bid to reduce rubbish.

It is understood the levy, which would be collected from tourists on departure, would also help fund programmes dedicated to preserving Balinese culture.

Bali has already banned some single-use plastics - Credit: ISTOCK
Keep to preserve its image and environment, Bali has banned some single-use plastics Credit: ISTOCK

“Tourists will understand,” Bali governor, Wayan Koster, told the Jakarta Post. “They will be happy to pay it as it will be used to strengthen our environment and culture.”

There does appear to be support amongst holidaymakers for such a move. According to CNN, a recent poll by Bali’s Udayana University found that 60 per cent of international visitors were in favour of contributing towards the preservation of the island.

The island is one of the latest place to mull a tourist tax, as destinations around the world struggle to cope with increasing visitor numbers. Last year, Edinburgh announced plans to impose a tourist tax on overnight stays, while Venice, Dubrovnik and Barcelona already have similar levies in place. Expect more to follow suit in 2019.