Baldur’s Gate 3’s Fake Leave Note Is Actually Working

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a gigantic game, and those who decide to delve into the depths of the biggest Dungeons & Dragons game to date will need all the time they can get. As with every big game, people have been trying to find ways to get off work to sneak in some extra time when it launches today — with Baldur’s Gate 3, the developers are giving you a little helping hand.

Larian Studios, the developer behind Baldur’s Gate 3, has issued a template that people can use to try and coax their way out of work. The Request for Special Leave - Baldur’s Day Dispensation notice is available on the Baldur’s Gate 3 website (fair warning, that’s a PDF link), and simply requires you to fill out your name, company, department, and supervisor, along with the time you think you’ll need to get the most out of the game.

“I, the undersigned, hereby request a Special Dispensation from my regular duties and obligations in observance of the momentous occasion of the release of Baldur’s Gate 3 (‘Baldur’s Day’),” the notice reads.

Baldur's Gate 3 lets players team to form a band of merry folk to go on adventures with. <p>Larian Studios</p>
Baldur's Gate 3 lets players team to form a band of merry folk to go on adventures with.

Larian Studios

“Though my absence from laborious duties might impede the Company’s regular operations in the short term, do understand that upon the conclusion of my quest, I shall resume my duties with renewed enthusiasm and dedication. The experiences gained and bonds forged will undoubtedly translate into newfound skills and relationships that will benefit both the Company and myself.”

Sounds pretty reasonable to us! What kind of boss would turn down such a fair request, especially on this, the most joyous of days, Baldur’s Day? Well, it turns out, depending on your boss, you just might get your leave granted.

Aarik Dorobiala, senior community manager at Obsidian Entertainment, filled out the form and handed it in to his supervisor, Mikey Dowling. Naturally, it was approved, with Dowling even saying that his stamp of approval would be “ready and waiting” for any other would-be adventurers at Obsidian.

It’s no surprise that Obsidian is so open to its employees checking out the next big RPG sensation. The developer itself specializes in massive RPGs itself, such as Pillars of Eternity, The Outer Worlds, and the upcoming Avowed. It makes sense that employees there would be checking out the competition — they could certainly learn a thing or two from the game, and they’re likely massive RPG nerds themselves.

Even if your boss isn’t so kind as to let you take the day off, who knows, maybe you can get it running on your work computer. After all, the minimum specs for Baldur’s Gate 3 are surprisingly modest.