The baffling new barbecue rule that has Australians up in arms

Hint: it involves onions - gilaxia
Hint: it involves onions - gilaxia

The Australian barbecue, many a Briton would argue, is disappointing at best, and utterly grim at worst. For one thing, their idea of a hot dog often consists of a beef sausage slapped in a barely folded slice of white supermarket bread, topped with fried onions and drizzled with a runny tomato sauce that lacks substance.

But the Australians are proud of their barbecues, and fiercely defensive. So imagine the furore that erupted when Bunnings Warehouse (a hardware store that allows fundraiser barbecues – or ‘sausage sizzles’ – to be held in their car parks on most weekends) introduced a bizarre new rule, dictating the order in which their weekend staple should be constructed.

From now on, Bunnings said, the onion must be placed on the bread first. Beneath the sausage and the sauce.

The headlines went crazy. Move over Mrs May, Australia has a real crisis on its hands.

One website claimed: “Controversial New Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Rule Threatens To Tear Nation Apart”, while a television anchor on The Today Show declared the move “beyond ridiculous”.

Public bbq - Credit: istock
No these aren't bins, they're Australian public barbecues Credit: istock

Things got so heated that the Prime Minister Scott Morrison found himself compelled to comment when questioned by a journalist about whether the move could be considered “un-Australian”. The response was clear: “whether the onions are on top or underneath, I’ll always be buying sausages on bread,” said Mr Morrison.

Bunnings claims that the change has been implemented for health and safety reasons. In an official flier, the company declared: “onions can be slippery when they fall out of a sausage sandwich. To make sure that onions don’t end up on the ground and pose a slipping risk, please apply a small amount of onion to the bread under the sausage when serving.”

Feeling affronted, the Australian public took to social media to point out the irony of a DIY store regulating the construction of a sausage sandwich. One Tweeted (below)...

There is, however, one man who is pleased with the new rule – and he seems to be the reason for its introduction. A 65-year-old Australian man won compensation for the emotional stress he suffered after slipping and falling in a Bunnings car park three years ago.

"I went to another Bunnings a couple of weeks after and I had a panic attack," he told ABC.

"Every time I go into Bunnings now I look on the floor - I look for onions... It is serious stuff, this onion thing".

Why Australian barbecues don't cut the mustard

There are some things to recommend the Australian barbecue – such as their abundance in public places throughout the country’s green areas and beaches – but they also leave a lot to be desired.

As a former Australian expat now back on British soil, I feel it is my civic duty to disclose what a barbecue Down Under is really like.

Of the many travesties affecting them in recent years (and there have been a few, the new onion ruling included), “put another shrimp on the barbie” has to be at the top of the list.

The phrase that will make any citizen visibly cringe originated in 1984 when Paul Hogan invited Americans to visit Australia: “I’ll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie for ya”.

It became as synonymous with Australians as “g’day” and “dingo took my baby”, helped along by the likes of Jim Carrey in Dumb & Dumber and Sean William Scott in the Dukes of Hazard remake.

Aside from the glaringly obvious flaw in the phrase – Aussie’s don’t say 'shrimp', like all English-language-loving nations, they say 'prawn' – if you’ve ever been to an Australian barbecue in the hope of being served, as Paul promised, a crustacean of any kind, you’re likely to be disappointed.

The real Aussie barbecue is a much less grand and elaborate affair. In Britain, we go all out for a summer cook-up. There’s a range of salads (potato, pasta and leaf), different varieties and shapes of buns, skewered chicken, marinated meats and robust vegetarian options including haloumi.

This will be accompanied by a jug filled with Pimms and lemonade, garnished with a variety of fruits while soft drinks will be available in paper cups for kids and drivers.

So imagine the disappointment when you turn up in a land that has moulded part of its image on the quality of its barbecues, only to be served a sausage (or on occasion, a burger), squished in a slice of white bread. It’s a little like finding out that Father Christmas isn’t real. 

BBQ - Credit: Getty
What you can really expect from an Aussie barbecue Credit: Getty

It only gets worse when no tinkling jugs of cocktails appear. Instead, you'll be offered a ‘stubby’ – or worse, a 375ml can of XXXX lager. 

And for those that don’t fancy a beginner’s beer? There’s always wine. In a box. 'Goon' is beloved of backpackers and students thanks to its bargain basement price tag and is a common staple at barbecues. Partly because the bag can be inflated after consumption and used for a game of ‘soccer’.

Basically, it's as far from the picture that Paul paints as you can possibly imagine.

Is this new onion rule from Bunnings ridiculous, or shrewd? Does putting the onions underneath the sausage completely sabotage the snack? We'd love to hear your opinions on the matter in the comment box below.