Bad News For Big Island Surf Schools As One Owner Monopolizes Permits

Compared to the other Hawaiian Islands the Big Island doesn't have a lot of surf spots or sandy beaches.

So surf breaks fitting for surf schools are limited. No novice wants to surf in knee-high water or sharp lava rock covered in spiky sea urchins.

But options for Big Island surf school owners drastically shrank on Friday after one owner monopolized three out of four permits up for grabs by the state, leaving 15 other hopefuls sh*t out of luck.

Big Island Now (BIN) captioned the post above:

"The state of Hawaii held its first lottery to issue only four coveted permits to operate surf schools out of popular Kahalu‘u Bay.

"The lottery determined which four schools would be awarded a permit to operate out of the Kona bay, and the results have left some feeling uncertain about the future."

In a story published Saturday, BIN reported that representatives of 17 companies attended a meeting held by the State of Hawaii in hopes of obtaining one of just four permits to operate surf schools out of Kahalu‘u Bay in Kona.

The Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) told BIN the lottery was "bingo style" and recipients "were chosen with the spin of numbered balls in a metal cage."

The permits will become active December 4.

According BIN:

"Tifani Green Stegehuis, owner of family-operated Hawaii Lifeguard Surf Instructors that operated out of Kahahuʻu Bay since 1998, did not get a permit."

She also didn't make the wait list's top 10.

“It wasn’t illegal, but it’s not pono [right],” she said.

"But one person, Wesley Moore, was awarded three of the four permits. And all of his three surfing companies were not even created until 2021: Kauakea LLC, Hinaea Iliahi LLC and Kona Town Adventures LLC.

The DLNR's Dan Dennison told BIN that Moore's three LLCs were set up following state laws, "therefore none of the permits will be revoked."

Green Stegehuis told BIN: “For us, it’s Kahalu‘u or nothing. Kahalu‘u is our one and only safe bay.

If a permit is relinquished, it goes to the first person waitlisted.


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