These Bacon Crisps Are Like Potato Chips Made from Literal Bacon

They're taking over Poland

It’s like something out of your savory dreams: You open up a bag of chips, but instead of thin slices of potato, the contents inside are made from delicious bacon. No, we’re not talking about bacon-flavored potato chips or a bacon-flavored corn snack like the British standard, Frazzles. These aren’t even pork rinds or jerky. Instead, a Polish company called Henryk Kania has created what it describes as “bacon crisps”—a potato chip-like snack that is instead made from thin slices of crispy bacon.

Though Henryk Kania has been a meat and sausage specialist for over 25 years in Poland – a country that knows a thing or two about meat and sausages—according to the site GlobalMeatNews, the company has recently set itself apart by tackling unique meat snacks, releasing things like mini sausages in a grab-and-go cup and a line of meat snacks specifically targeting women. Now the brand has released its patent-pending bacon crisps which are available in two flavors: classic or green onion. (How a new product can be available in “classic” flavor is a bit odd, but far be it from us to question a company who has invented a way to make bacon crisps! They are clearly of a higher mental faculty.)

Though bacon crisps may seem like a far-out, albeit genius idea, Henryk Kania says it’s all part of their plan to satiate what the company sees as s rapidly growing market for snacks in general and protein-packed snacks in particular. “Today, one-fifth of the society in Poland eats so-called ‘on-the-go’ products at least once a week for breakfast, lunch or dinner,” company Vice President Dominika Raba was quoted as saying. “This trend is deepening, especially as more than 60 percent of Poles admit that [they have] too little time to prepare a meal. Therefore, snacks are a great solution for them.”

Meanwhile, Henryk Kania believes this is just the beginning, claiming the brand has more “innovations” up its sleeve. Yes, you can now feel free to let you imagination run wild considering all the potential food items that have yet to be made from bacon. The company has certainly already captured the imagination of the Polish people: Thanks to the brand’s buzzworthy meat products, Henryk Kania has even scored a sponsorship with the Ekstraklasa – Poland top-tier soccer league.

Wait a minute… Potato chips made from bacon and a professional sports league with an official meat sponsor? When did Poland become heaven??