The Backyard Stories, Dispatch One: Stephanie Howe

This article originally appeared on Trail Runner

The Backyard Stories is a new podcast and written column, in partnership with Protect Our Winters (POW), following athletes and local food advocates who are deeply invested in their home ecosystems – their backyards. Read the introduction here.

When I look at the trail running communities around the country, one that stands out as a mecca is the San Francisco Bay Area - Marin County, to be specific. With weather made for year-round running, hundreds of miles of trail braided into urban areas, and proximity to mountain access, I understand the draw.

But arriving into Marin County on Highway 101, what struck me were the rolling hills of gold contrasted with densely organized houses. The rainy season in the Bay Area is between November and March, so for these hillsides to be covered in gold in late spring was an ominous sight, heading into the dry season. I was looking at an area that is not only packed from floor-to-ceiling with kindling, but also with people. One spark would be enough to set it alight.

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