'Backpack Pants' and 'Gimme Pigs'—Parents Are Sharing Funny Words from Their Toddlers

36 hilarious tweets and videos featuring made up toddler words.

Kids truly do say the darndest things. If you’ve spent enough time around toddlers still learning the ins and outs of language and talking, you may have heard them say some crazy stuff. It’s fairly simple for them to get the basics down, like "yes," "no" and "mama." But, for the more advanced words out there? They either totally mispronounce the word and something different comes out of their mouths. Or, they’ve made up their own names for things.

Thanks to social media, parents have started sharing funny toddler words from their children via tweets and TikToks. So, if you haven’t been around “toddler talk” enough, this list of 36 hilarious workaround words and mispronunciations will be sure to make you laugh. These words are equally creative as they are funny—and some are even sort of genius.

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36 Funny Toddler Words

Couldn't think of a better way to describe it myself.

Wakanda, forever.

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I, personally, understand where she's coming from.

Make a wish, now!

Would fingernails then be upstairs nails?

And an appropriate response to the downstairs nails.

Make that money.

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All hail the lady in green.

Next up: the cimmacine challenge.

That sounds correct to me!

Sometimes, words are hard.

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Smart kid.


They do "honk" a lot.

Mmm, rainbow waters.

That's actually a perfect way of describing it.

More spicy balls, please!

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It's the explanation at the end for me.

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Nothing better than a laser bean light show.

She's not wrong, at all.

They are a little on the fuzzy side.

Close enough.


Breaking down toddler language 101.

Honest mistake.

Parrot-keets sounds better, anyways.

She also calls McDonald's "the burger store."

The newest hairstyle.

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Looking forward to having my crunchy water for lunch today.

These fruit names are too good.

The cutest compilation.

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Time to play with the playgos.

The newest fast food joint in town.

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Backpack pants are totally in style these days.

Up, up and away.

Another popular tourist attraction, just like the green queen.

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