Backcountry Skier Spies UFO-Shaped Object In Sky

What's the strangest thing you've seen while skiing? Between bears, porcupines, and skiers doing weird things while riding the lifts, we've all noticed some odd things on the hill.

But this picture, snapped by Jamie Walter in New Hampshire, tops all of those. 'Cause if there's one thing skiers love, it's learning about weather.

Jamie's caption reads, "Saw a #UFO while skiing Gulf of Slides yesterday morning (JK... those are lenticular clouds)"

The Gulf of Slides is a backcountry trail in Pinkham Notch in New Hampshire, and is described as a moderately steep bowl that funnels into a below treeline trail.

Powder Project describes the trail as being bootpack possible, and with "good skiing" to be had.

"Hike up the Gulf of Slides trail and end up at the base of the main pitch. Boot pack up from there and ski down. On the main pitch, there is a consistent fall line and good skiing. On the way down, expect some moguls and be aware of others hiking up."

Lenticular clouds (what Jamie saw, and not, to everyone's dismay, an actual UFO), are formed downwind of mountains, and are described by Met Office as "lens-shaped orographic wave clouds form when the air is stable and winds blow across hills and mountains from the same or similar direction at different heights through the troposphere."

Their shape? You guessed it. Curved layers, like, well, flying saucers.

If aliens are out there, they could very well ski. They probably haven't made contact with the human race because they don't want us stealing all that pow on Uranus and Neptune (hey, those planets are frozen, so it's possible).

What we know for sure is that they definitely don't snowboard.

Related: Skiers Spotted Sitting Peculiarly On Moving Chairlift

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