The Bachelorette Poster Is Confusing—And Upsetting—People on Twitter

UPDATE: August 30, 2020, at 2:40 p.m. E.T. — Rachel Lindsay just told Sirius XM’s EW Live that she also was confused by the new promo poster for The Bachelorette.

“I didn’t like it. I didn’t understand it, and I don’t think we should be questioning what the ad is and that’s what we are talking about more than we are about her and her season,” Lindsay said, per Us Weekly. “’Cause I’m excited for Clare. I’ve been a big proponent of her. I’m not sure how all of this goes down with all the rumors that are going around, but I am excited for Clare and for her to have this moment.”

Lindsay added that she was “a little bothered” after the host explained the reference to The Graduate. “What? Now I’m hot. I gotta call somebody. I did not realize that,” she said. “Okay, now I’m a little bothered.”

ORIGINAL STORY: August 27, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. E.T.—

If you're following every update about The Bachelorette, then you probably already know that ABC announced a premiere date today (August 26)…along with a pretty interesting poster. 

“I feel like this could be double trouble," Chris Harrison wrote on Twitter alongside said poster, sharing that the season will begin airing October 13, 2020. 

Even though this might actually be the most dramatic season in Bachelorette history, this image is kind of all over the place. For one, it features only this year's first Bachelorette, Clare Crawley. Where is Tayshia Adams? Why are they still being coy about Crawley's replacement?

Also, what the hell is with that random leg protruding into Crawley's space? Although rumors have been circulating nonstop that Crawley ditched the competition after falling in love with a contestant, fans were still confused about the point of the foot and sock situation. 

“Me trying to get to the bottom of what this new promo that was just released means even though it's probably just a picture and nothing else,” one fan tweeted along with the Always Sunny in Philadelphia conspiracy wall meme. 

Others were quick to point out the similarities to the poster for The Graduate. The acclaimed ’60s film is about a young man who becomes torn between a bored older housewife and her daughter. You know the line, “Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me, aren't you?”

Considering Crawley has already been heavily publicized as The Bachelorette's oldest lead to date, some fans were put off by the comparison. One fan shared a side-by-side, writing, “Turning Clare Crawley into ‘Mrs. Robinson’ because she's THIRTY NINE is making me mad??"

While I totally understand this particular frustration, I will point out that Crawley is actually posed in Dustin Hoffman's position from the poster, so perhaps the reference being made is that she was seduced off the show. Just a thought!

Either way, October 13 can't come soon enough. 

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