The Bachelor's Corinne Olympios Got Seriously Pranked by Sacha Baron Cohen

Photo credit: Jason LaVeris - Getty Images
Photo credit: Jason LaVeris - Getty Images


Corinne Olympios-of The Bachlelor, cheese pasta, and "platinum vagine" fame-just got seriously duped by Sasha Baron Cohen.

Cohen's Showtime series, Who is America? is a glorious prank show where politicians and celebrities are invited on camera under the ruse of awards and philanthropic efforts, and instead are coerced into owning up to some very politically incorrect statements. For the latest episode, Cohen took a break fromasking Dick Cheney to sign his water board to pull one over on reality television star Corinne Olympios.

In the episode, which aired Sunday night, Cohen gets Olympios to falsely admit to spending a month in Africa aiding the Ebola crisis efforts.

After luring Olympios to the Showtime set with the promise of a "reality TV star of the year" award, Cohen sits down for a one-on-one interview with the Bachelor alum, posing as a "billionaire, playboy, and fashion photographer" from Milan named Gio Madando. During the sit-down interview (during which Olympios is holding her unknowingly fake award), Cohen convinces Olympios to become a spokeswoman for a (you guessed it-fake) charity, prompting her to pose in full glam and a HAZMAT suit.

Photo credit: Showtime
Photo credit: Showtime

Cohen, still undercover as Gio Madando, suggests that Olympios pretend she’s been in Africa for a month months helping with the relief efforts. “Yeah, but they’re gonna know I wasn’t there,” Olympios says, to which Cohen replies "No, no, no, I run the charity, so don’t worry."

Cohen goes on to fabricate a story about a warlord in the supposed village where Olympios was supposed to pretend she had been working, nudging her to play along for the cameras (which, at this point, Olympios still thinks are there to film her award-acceptance interview).

“There was a war lord in Sierra Leone and he wanted to do a massacre, and apparently he recognized you, and you can tell us the story?” Cohen asked.“He was gonna do a massacre of this village, and what happened?” Olympios seems anxious and understandably confused, looking at the camera and staring at Cohen before replying.

Photo credit: Showtime
Photo credit: Showtime

“So he recognized me, and he was a really big fan...He was just really nice, actually, and he was really surprised to see me. I was surprised he knew who I was, and yeah, it was just really humbling,” she said, before taking off with an exorbitant lie of her own creation: “It was good, because I saved 6,000 people...I feel like because I was so kind back and I was so positive back, it really helped with the whole massacre situation.”

Cohen also convinced Corinne to do an ad asking for money and weapon donations to child soldiers. "When you launch a grenade, you launch a dream," she says in the fake ad.

Unlike the negative response from Cohen's recent political victims (he got Dick Cheney to sign a "waterboard kit"), Olympios has voiced a positive reaction to the prank, taking to her Instagram story to post a clips from the episode and footage of herself laughing along.

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