Baby's Belly Laugh Over Snuggles From the Dog Is Just Magical

It's impossible not to smile at this.

Dogs are known as 'man's best friend,' but a lot of dogs can be baby's best friend, too. Surprisingly, some of the gentlest pups are also the largest or toughest looking. Remember, Staffordshire Bull Terriers (yes, Pit Bulls) were known as 'nanny dogs' in England,

Daphne the merle Great Dane is the perfect example of a 'gentle giant.' She's a sweet, thoughtful big sister to 1-year-old Noah, and now she's going viral on her mom's account @the_oakie_dokie, for the way she makes him laugh.

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This might just be the cutest thing we've ever seen! Little Noah is laughing so hard at Daphne's chilly wet nose, but she doesn't quite understand what's so funny.

"Pup is sticking cold nose in to find out why boy laughing. which makes boy laugh even more," explained @jvbooklover. You're exactly right! Their sweet interaction is the gift that keeps on giving--especially with Noah's adorable laugh!

"Those giggles instantly lowered my blood pressure," wrote @7777lem. Aww--we get exactly what you mean! Laughter is a healing sound, especially when it comes from such a sweet, innocent little one like Noah.

@cucogallegos0 asked, "why is it when you hear a baby laughing you automatically laugh with them?" We have no idea, but we love it! Noah's giggles are infectious in the best possible way--in fact, we have no idea how his mama wasn't out of breath with laughter herself!

Meanwhile, Daphne can't decide whether to be more curious or concerned about the baby's reaction. Like @jacobpowers93 said, "Great Danes are the sweetest dogs on this whole earth," and they wouldn't hurt a fly. They might tickle you with a cold, wet nose, though!

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